Discussion Thread- Module 8 INPUT



Liberty University Online Academy *

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PACO 687




May 11, 2024





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dg What 2 topics were the most informative and interesting to you? What new and interesting information did you learn from these 2 topics that you plan to apply to your pastoral counseling practice? Two of the most informative and interesting topics for me were gender roles in a marriage and self-consciousness in social media topics. It made me reflect on where I stand today in both areas, debating whether I am being too feminist in one and weak in the other and how this might affect my pastoral counseling practices. Chapter 23 speaks to many women’s lives in all that they take on an everyday basis. They have so many titles to carry and hold deep responsibility to do well in each one of them, that saying no is rarely done. Women enjoy being a natural “helper” and nurture those around them. “With these many roles come responsibilities and expectations. Many things can be balanced, and others need to be addressed. “The process of maintaining wellness takes time, energy, and self-evaluation”, (Hinkley et al., 2022, p. 780). Women might feel easily burdened and compare themselves to their husband’s roles in the home feeling more. Proverbs 14:1 says, “A
dg wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands”. I need to remind women in my counseling application that women are a very special creation designed to build their homes and have the capacity to hold various roles. Women are designed to be multitaskers and lovingly serve their homes. Being bitter and foolish will destroy their home. Self-consciousness and the effects of how women should portray themselves on social media must be assessed. The most innocent posts can make men lust, and this truly impacted me. Proverbs 31:25 reminds us, “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future”. My counseling approach will challenge the reasoning behind the specific attention women seek when posting provocative images or videos of wonder. “Healthy self-identity is rooted in self-awareness. It is about letting go of habituated thoughts and beliefs” and holding close to those that resonate with your deepest self, that self that aligns with your God-given identity. (Hinkley et al., 2022, p. 204). It will be important for me as a counselor to remind women of their value in God and identify within him, for counselees to be wise and aware of how they socially interact with any type of media. References Kollar, C. A. (1997 ). Solution-Focused Pastoral Counseling- An Effective Short-Term Approach for Getting People Back on Track . Zondervan. Thomas, J. C., & Sosin, L. (2011). Therapeutic Expedition. Equipping the Christian Counselor for the Journey. B&H Publishing Group.
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