Copy of Playbook 2_ Project Plan Instructions



Arizona State University *

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Health Science


May 13, 2024





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Project Plan Review your initial concept from week two. Rewrite it here for reference. Proposed Change/Problem Action Deliverable Example: Many students have trouble managing their time in college and that causes stress and lower grades. Example: Design and test a time management workshop for fellow students. Example: A recording of the final workshop and copies of participant feedback surveys Many college students struggle with maintaining a healthy work-life balance, which can lead to stress and academic challenges. I plan to explore, implement and evaluate approaches to enhance the balance, between my work and personal life. I plan to compile a report that summarizes the strategies I have experimented with how well they worked and suggestions I have for students. The report will cover data analysis, my personal thoughts, on the matter and practical advice that can be put into action. For your project plan, you will complete the questions below. Please provide as much detail as possible so that I can see the full idea that you are presenting. 1. Write your clear and concise proposed change or problem statement . You can change from the concept you highlighted in your Initial Project Idea submission, but consult with me first so you will not need to re-do this plan. Example: I want to research strategies to use planners or task organizers each week to help me keep track of my academic work and my life. Numerous students, in universities face difficulties, with their health and overall well being because of the academic stress and pressures they encounter. My objective is to conduct research create and put into practice a stress reduction program that focuses on mindfulness. This program will be specifically designed to address the needs of college students in order to enhance their health and overall well being. 2. Describe the action you want to take to support yourself or someone else in managing that problem or enacting change. Example: I will test two or more different planners or task organizers and evaluate which one helps me keep track of my life the best .
Project Plan I plan to create a stress reduction program, for college students that focuses on mindfulness. This program will be designed specifically to address the needs and difficulties faced by students in this stage of their lives. It will consist of activities such as mindfulness exercises, guided meditation sessions and strategies for managing stress. To ensure the program is effective and safe I will work closely with experts, in the fields of mindfulness and mental health. 3. Describe the deliverable you will submit . Example: I will submit photos of each planner or task organizer taken after I use each one for a week. For each one, I will keep and submit a journal of my thoughts on its usefulness. I will continue using my favorite option and document how successful I was each week. With the photos and journals, I will submit a video review of my favorite option. I will create a report that covers aspects of the mindfulness based stress reduction program. This report will. Share information, about the programs effectiveness. 4. In order to fully understand your topic, you are going to need background knowledge . You need some context, history, and credible data about the nature of your topic. You also need to prove that your idea is based in evidence. a. List 1-2 credible articles that can give you background information that will help you develop your idea (include MLA or APA citation for each source) 1. Hamrick, Julia Rogers. "Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for College Students." Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, vol. 29, no. 3, 2015, pp. 205-220. 2. Gonzalez, Natalia Garza, et al. "The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on Psychological Well-Being and Symptoms of Stress in Clinical and Non-Clinical Students." International Journal of Education and Psychological Research, vol. 2, no. 2, 2013, pp. 64-71. b. List 1 ASU resource or group that might have helpful information about your project topic (include the name of the department, program, club, etc., and the link to that resource)
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