IHP-315 Week 5 Module Five 5-2 Final Project Milestone Three- Patient Safety Culture and Communicati



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May 14, 2024





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5-2 Final Project Milestone Three 5-2 Final Project Milestone Three: Patient Safety Culture and Communication Yavonda Jones Southern New Hampshire University Professor Angela McMaHan April 7, 2024
5-2 Final Project Milestone Three IV. Patient Safety Culture: In this section, you will analyze patient safety culture through the use of a survey as an assessment tool. Specifically, you should address the following: A. Analysis: Analyze all of the patient safety culture survey results at the facility where the error occurred. These results are in your Final Project Case Studies document. What does this survey’s result tell you about the patient safety culture at the facility? Based on your analysis, what are the areas for improvement? According to Union Hospital's latest safety survey, 75% of supervisors responded positively. There was a 70% response rate to patient safety and management. Patient feedback score was only 25%, with 15% positive feedback. The handoff and transition numbers show that while management and supervisors promote patient safety the rest of the staff lack the proper tools to ensure a smooth transition for patients. Communication between staff members needs to be a high priority for these numbers to rise. B. Outcome: In what ways might the outcome have been different if the facility had a stronger patient safety culture? Your response should be based on your analysis of the patient safety culture survey. Staff could have better communicated Paul's status during each stage of his treatment, so that he wouldn't have had his chest tube in the wrong lung. If he had been treated, Paul wouldn't have had to travel to another hospital to correct the surgical error caused by Union
5-2 Final Project Milestone Three Hospital. A vitals monitor would have been placed on Paul allowing the nurses to keep better track of his health. Due to lack of communication, there were many errors in Paul’s care that led to his death. C. Recommendation: Recommend one method that could be used to improve the patient safety culture. Justify your recommendation with your analysis of the survey. The Union Hospital needs to improve its patient safety protocols and communication methods between staff. Improved collaboration between care team members enhanced patient monitoring strategies and vitals monitoring for all ER patients. Boston Children’s Hospital created a mnemonic for Union Hospital. I-PASS stands for Illness severity, patient summary, action list, situation awareness, and synthesis by receiver. (Haskins, 2019) Paul might've still been alive if any of these steps were used. V. Communication: In this section, you will propose communication and teamwork strategies, explaining how these strategies promote safer patient care. Specifically, you should address the following: A. Strategy: What strategy or strategies could be used to improve communication and team building? Explain why you selected the strategy or strategies, basing your response on your analysis of the medical error and the patient safety culture. One strategy for better communication is the TeamSTEPPS strategy created by the US Department of Defense (DoD) and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).
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