Individual Ethics Simulation



University of California, San Diego *

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May 9, 2024





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Alexis Chavez MGTP 416 PID: A59022862 Individual Ethics Simulation: 1) What was your role in the simulation? How did your role impact your decision- making during the simulation? Did your role cause a conflict of interests given the situation at hand? If so, how? Would you have acted differently if you did not have your chosen role? My role in the simulation was market analyst #1 where this job was crucial to my self sufficient living and paying off my student debt. I was responsible for interpreting research on consumers buying habits, identifying target audiences, and coming up with strategies like marketing campaigns to improve sales. Being a market analyst impacted my decision in this simulation because I personally did not want to launch the new immune system booster product. My reasoning for deciding not to put the product out in the market was due to the lack of data to support the claim that the product reduces catching a cold by 80% and that an 8% during its product testing experience an intense nausea side effect. Not fixing these among other problems the company was undergoing could put the company in a potential bankruptcy and a loss of employment for my case. I did not want this as I still owe student loans and have housing expenses given that I moved out of my parents house. In addition, I wanted to grow into the role of product manager which meant I wanted the best outcome/financial stability for the company, thus no conflict of interest. Lastly, if I were in someone's shoes that really disliked the company or was looking to leave in the near future, then I would have definitely not put too much importance into the launch of the product and would have probably been fine with releasing it out to the supplement market. 2) How did you collaborate with your team members to complete the required tasks? Did you and your team members have conflicting solutions to the ethical dilemma at hand? If so, what do you think were the main reasons for the conflict (personal opinions? your chosen roles?)? Each team member introduced themselves by stating their role, responsibility, and whether the new product should be released. From here our group was able to see that only 2 group members wanted to release the product with the known nausea deficiency. At this point we were supporting our own argument with logic/reasoning and factual evidence provided to us. However, during our argument stage our group had team members with conflicting solutions to this ethical dilemma. For example, our product manager argued that the product should be released since it has a low percentage of non life threatening nausea side effects. The product manager argues that once we release the booster product, sales will go up, and the company can gradually address any product related concerns. However, our CEO claimed that nausea can impact individuals with existing health conditions which could then cause death or extreme harm. He offered to extend the release of the product and to focus on improving sales of its current top selling
product. Given this example and many similar ones our group underwent I felt that there was a mix of reasons for the existing conflicts related to personal and chosen roles. Continuing from the stated above example, I felt that our product manager was incentivized to put the product into the market for a potential bonus or some sort of ownership. On the other hand, our CEO was acting more on his own personal morals/values with a mix of protecting its image as the owner/CEO of WFH. 3) How did you use the information you have learned in this course to navigate the ethical dilemmas you encountered during this simulation? I used the AICPA principles and my personal ethical GPS that I previously created. I first went into deciding whether I was encountering an ethical dilemma where I found out that making claims with unproven data can mislead consumers which would violate the integrity principle of not acting with honesty. Then I went into determining who would be the stakeholders from this ethical dilemma. Once I figured out who the stakeholders were I looked into my obligations which were to boost sales through marketing strategies. This of course is through gathering data. I then did a pros and cons (80% claim not backed up with data and 8% nausea during its testing stage) of such a product, evaluated the results, and used my own personal values/morals to make the ultimate decision that releasing the products was not ethical (integrity principle). In addition, by releasing the product it could have drawbacks to such an extreme of causing the company to go bankrupt which would affect my obligation of improving sales as this action can cause the opposite of a sales growth, thus not complying with AICPA’s responsibilities principle. 4) Does this simulation make you view companies and the people working within it differently? Why or why not? Yes, because a person and a company as a whole may feel pressured and completely disregard the values behind which the individual and/or the company stands behind. For example, the equity firm was not willing to keep funding WFH if they did not make any profits. You were really able to see how a situation under pressure can really make people disregard the values of the company or even their own personal morals/GPS navigation. Overall, this changed my perspective on how companies and people working for such entities can truly be influenced by events that can cause pressure or some sort of stress. 5) If you had the chance to do it over again, is there anything in the simulation you would have done differently? Why or why not? Yes, if I were to redo the simulation I would have collaborated with my group further by possibly putting myself in the shoes of those that had a different perspective. For example, the product manager in our group wanted to release the new product despite the found deficiency and the misleading claim. This thurs at 7pm
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