C201 Chapter13 Quiz



Western Governors University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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C201 Marketing Product Strategy/Chapter 13 Quiz 1) Supriya is a marketing manager of a bank who regularly sends materials to various companies to participate in credit card promotions. Supriya is employing a _____ strategy. d) pushing 2) A manufacturer that sells _____ is most likely to employ personal selling. c) private jets to people 3) Service International, a car lubricant manufacturer, puts a sticker on your windshield to remind you when you are due for your next oil change. This is an example of which of the following promotional strategy objectives? b) Providing information 4 In the movie, The Social Network, the actor portraying Mark Zuckerberg was featured wearing products by Gap and the North Face. This form of promotion is known as d) product placement . 5) Caf-All, a coffee shop, uses _____ advertising when it tells people that "hard-working" people prefer its coffee over the coffee sold by its competitor, Moon-Cafe . a) comparative 6) Crabs & Fish, a seafood restaurant, provides free drinks with each meal. Crabs & Fish is using _____ to promote its sales. a) premiums 7) Volume objectives base pricing decisions on c ) market share . 8) _____ refers to the function of informing, persuading, and influencing a purchase decision. b) Promotions 9) The salesperson's task of identifying potential customers is known as d) prospecting . 10) AB Chocolates, a chocolate manufacturing company places display bins of their products at the entry and exit points of a convenience store. The company is using the _____ strategy. d) point-of- purchase advertising 11) All County Community College purchases golf balls engraved with the words "All County Community College," which are distributed at various college fairs in which it participates. These engraved golf balls are considered b) Specialty advertising 12) Sales of intangible products or services such as insurance often rely heavily on c) missionary selling . 13) Marcello is allowed to purchase a reasonably priced notebook computer for graduation. He sees one at Excel Electronics for $999.99 and calls his parents to assure them the computer costs “less than a thousand.” Both Marcello and Excel Electronics are using _____ to downplay the price of the computer. c) odd pricing 14) Top Games Inc. signs professional basketball players and footballers to promote its products. Top Games is using sports stars to increase sales by enhancing the public’s _____demand for its brand. b) selective
15) The Community Credit Union, through its direct-mail promotion, encourages its members to write letters to members of Congress asking them to pass legislation favorable to credit unions. Such promotion is a form of _____ advertising. a) advocacy 16) Cassandra runs a furniture store. A couple in her store tells her they’re impressed with a particular living room couch. Cassandra should d) attempt to close the sale . 17) Trade promotion is b) used to promote goods or services to marketing intermediaries. 18) ABC Company includes an instant coupon as part of its product's package that gives buyers a discount on the product's retail price. What is the company attempting to do? a) Increase sales 19) Integrated marketing communications would include all of the following EXCEPT d) distribution. 20) Sales personnel employed by companies, such as IBM and Microsoft, who offer technical assistance through consulting in order to promote goodwill for their employers are primarily involved in a) missionary selling .
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