144 Unit 2 Practice



Rockland Community College, SUNY *

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Apr 29, 2024





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1. Which therapeutic communication technique involves repeating the client's main idea to encourage further discussion? a) Reflection b) Clarification c) Paraphrasing d) Summarization *4. What is a primary symptom of major depressive disorder? a) Delusions b) Hallucinations c) Persistent sadness or low mood d) Disorganized speech 5. When working with a client who has borderline personality disorder, which nursing intervention is essential? a) Setting strict limits and boundaries b) Allowing the client to manipulate staff to maintain rapport c) Encouraging the client to engage in impulsive behaviors d) Providing consistent and predictable care 6. Which of the following is a potential side effect of antipsychotic medications? a) Increased libido b) Weight loss c) Extrapyramidal symptoms d) Hypertension 7. Which nursing action is essential when caring for a client who is experiencing a panic attack? a) Encouraging the client to breathe rapidly to relieve symptoms b) Providing a quiet, calm environment c) Administering a sedative medication immediately d) Restraining the client to prevent self-harm 8. Which nursing intervention is appropriate for a client experiencing acute mania? a) Allowing the client to make impulsive decisions b) Encouraging the client to engage in group activities c) Providing structured activities to channel energy d) Administering a benzodiazepine to induce sleep 9. A client with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) engages in repeated handwashing rituals. What is the most appropriate nursing intervention? a) Allowing the client to continue the ritual to alleviate anxiety b) Confronting the client about the irrationality of the behavior c) Encouraging the client to gradually decrease the frequency of handwashing d) Instructing the client to stop the ritual immediately
11. A client with bipolar disorder is experiencing a manic episode. Which nursing intervention takes priority? a) Allowing the client to sleep as much as desired b) Limiting physical activity to conserve energy c) Ensuring the client's safety and preventing harm d) Administering antipsychotic medication immediately 14. When assessing a client with anorexia nervosa, which finding requires immediate intervention? a) Preoccupation with food and body image b) Excessive exercise regimen c) Bradycardia and hypotension d) Engaging in binge eating followed by purging 16. A client diagnosed with schizophrenia is prescribed clozapine. Which assessment finding warrants immediate action? a) Increased appetite b) Elevated mood c) Sore throat and fever d) Decreased auditory hallucinations 17. Which cognitive-behavioral technique is commonly used to help clients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) manage excessive worry? a) Thought stopping b) Exposure therapy c) Reality testing d) Mindfulness meditation 18. Which nursing intervention is essential when caring for a client with borderline personality disorder (BPD) during a crisis? a) Setting firm limits on behavior b) Avoiding emotional expression c) Allowing the client to make impulsive decisions d) Implementing consistent and predictable routines 19. Which assessment finding is consistent with a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)? a) Excessive fear of criticism or rejection b) Lack of empathy and disregard for others' rights c) Preoccupation with orderliness and perfectionism d) Intense fear of abandonment and unstable relationships
20. Which nursing action is appropriate when caring for a client experiencing opioid withdrawal? a) Administering naloxone to reverse opioid effects b) Providing a quiet and dimly lit environment c) Encouraging increased opioid use to prevent withdrawal symptoms d) Monitoring vital signs and providing comfort measures 21. A client diagnosed with schizophrenia is prescribed risperidone. Which assessment finding should the nurse monitor closely? a) Elevated blood glucose levels b) Decreased white blood cell count c) Increased urinary output d) Orthostatic hypotension 22. Which nursing intervention is appropriate for a client experiencing acute alcohol withdrawal? a) Administering benzodiazepines to induce sleep b) Allowing unrestricted access to fluids c) Encouraging the client to engage in vigorous exercise d) Implementing seizure precautions and monitoring for signs of delirium tremens 23. A client with bulimia nervosa asks the nurse about the potential complications of frequent purging. Which complication should the nurse prioritize in the response? a) Bradycardia b) Hypokalemia c) Hypertension d) Hypernatremia 24. When working with a client diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder (HPD), which nursing approach is most appropriate? a) Encouraging the client to seek attention-seeking behaviors b) Setting clear and consistent boundaries c) Allowing the client to dominate group therapy sessions d) Confronting the client about manipulative behaviors 26. Which nursing intervention is essential when caring for a client diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder (DID)? a) Encouraging the client to maintain a consistent sense of self b) Exploring past traumas to integrate alters c) Providing education about the disorder to the client's family d) Ensuring safety and monitoring for self-harm or suicide risk 27. A client with borderline personality disorder (BPD) exhibits self-injurious behaviors. Which nursing intervention is the priority? a) Implementing a behavior modification plan
b) Administering antipsychotic medication c) Providing a safe environment and closely monitoring the client d) Allowing the client to engage in self-injurious behaviors as a coping mechanism 31. Which assessment finding indicates a potential side effect of tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)? a) Weight loss b) Hypotension c) Photosensitivity d) Dry mouth 32. When caring for a client with a history of self-harm, which nursing intervention takes priority? a) Encouraging the client to explore the underlying emotions behind self-harm behaviors b) Implementing safety measures to prevent self-harm and providing constant supervision c) Allowing the client to engage in self-harm as a coping mechanism d) Confronting the client about the consequences of self-harm 33. Which therapeutic approach is commonly used to help individuals with substance use disorders develop motivation to change? a) Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) b) Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) c) Motivational interviewing (MI) d) Psychodynamic therapy 34. A client diagnosed with schizophrenia is experiencing extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS). Which medication is most likely responsible for these symptoms? a) Clozapine b) Sertraline c) Haloperidol d) Venlafaxine 35. A client diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) experiences intrusive memories and nightmares related to a traumatic event. Which nursing intervention is appropriate? a) Encouraging avoidance of triggers to prevent distress b) Teaching relaxation techniques to manage anxiety c) Providing constant reassurance to alleviate fear d) Administering anxiolytic medication to suppress symptoms 38. When assessing a client with borderline personality disorder (BPD), which symptom should the nurse expect to observe? a) A pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others b) A pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others c) Intense and unstable interpersonal relationships
d) An excessive need to be taken care of 40. A client diagnosed with bipolar disorder is prescribed lithium carbonate. Which electrolyte imbalance should the nurse monitor for during therapy? a) Hypokalemia b) Hypernatremia c) Hyponatremia d) Hyperkalemia 41. A client expresses feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness during a therapy session. Which therapeutic response by the nurse demonstrates empathy? a) "You shouldn't feel that way. You have so much going for you." b) "I understand that you're feeling worthless and hopeless right now." c) "Why do you think you feel this way?" d) "Let's focus on the positive things in your life instead." 42. During a group therapy session, a client begins to express anger toward another group member. Which therapeutic communication technique should the nurse use to facilitate constructive dialogue? a) Reflection b) Silence c) Interpretation d) Active listening 43. A client with anxiety expresses difficulty in controlling racing thoughts. Which therapeutic technique should the nurse use to assist the client in managing anxiety? a) Offering reassurance b) Providing distraction c) Encouraging relaxation techniques d) Using confrontation 44. A client diagnosed with schizophrenia tells the nurse, "I hear voices telling me to hurt myself." Which therapeutic response is most appropriate? a) "You don't really hear voices. It's just your imagination." b) "That must be frightening. Let's talk more about what the voices are saying." c) "You need to stop listening to those voices. They're not real." d) "I don't believe you. You're making this up for attention." 45. A client with depression says, "I'm worthless and I have nothing to live for." Which therapeutic response by the nurse demonstrates empathy and validates the client's feelings? a) "I think you're being too hard on yourself. You have people who care about you." b) "I understand that you're feeling worthless and hopeless right now." c) "Why do you think you're feeling this way?" d) "Let's focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on negative thoughts."
46. A client with bipolar disorder expresses frustration about medication side effects during a medication education session. Which therapeutic communication technique should the nurse use to address the client's concerns? a) Offering advice b) Providing false reassurance c) Exploring the client's feelings d) Changing the subject 47. A client with borderline personality disorder becomes agitated and starts yelling during a therapy session. Which therapeutic communication technique should the nurse use to de-escalate the situation? a) Reflection b) Active listening c) Providing feedback d) Setting limits 48. A client diagnosed with anorexia nervosa refuses to eat meals as part of the treatment plan. Which therapeutic communication technique should the nurse use to explore the client's reasons for non-compliance? a) Offering advice b) Providing reassurance c) Using silence d) Asking open-ended questions 49. A client diagnosed with substance use disorder expresses guilt and remorse over past actions while under the influence of drugs. Which therapeutic response by the nurse demonstrates empathy and validation? a) "You shouldn't dwell on the past. It's important to focus on the present." b) "Everyone makes mistakes. You need to forgive yourself and move on." c) "I understand that you're feeling guilty about what happened." d) "You shouldn't feel guilty. It's not entirely your fault." 50. A client with schizophrenia experiences delusions of persecution and feels paranoid in social situations. Which therapeutic response by the nurse demonstrates empathy and validation? a) "I don't think anyone is out to get you. You're just overreacting." b) "I understand that you feel paranoid in social situations. Let's explore coping strategies together." c) "Why do you think people are always plotting against you?" d) "You need to realize that your beliefs are irrational. There's nothing to be afraid of."
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