[u05a1] Week 5 Assignment_ Theoretical Orientation



Capella University *

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May 11, 2024





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[u05a1] Week 5 Assignment: Theoretical Orientation Overview As learners in a counseling program, we continue to learn, grow, and develop both personally and professionally. It is possible that while working to increase your self-awareness, you will discover things about your values and beliefs that you did not recognize before. This week, you are taking a closer look at yourself, your values and beliefs and homing in on your theoretical orientation. Instructions For this assignment, you will reflect on self. You will want to work toward identifying your theoretical approach and identifying why you chose the approach you did. Following each step below as you develop your paper. 1. What is the motivation for your theoretical approach? To answer this question, you want to be very thoughtful about recognizing some of the values and beliefs that impact how you view humankind or even personality. For example, take time to think about your view on human nature. Is it deterministic, phenomenological, freedom of choice, constructivist, or something else? You can also determine what external factors impacted your choice. For example, you can discuss whether your theoretical approach is inspired by a mentor or is the result of using a specific theory in practice at a practicum site. 2. Once you identify a theory from which you will tend to approach counseling or a base theory (if you will present an integrative approach), discuss some of the key characteristics and basic assumptions of the theory, various concepts, and the goals of the theory. Also, discuss the role of the counselor and the client. Once you have discussed on of these factors, you want to integrate discussion of how these theoretical factors relate to your values and beliefs and primary reasons why you chose the theory. If you feel you will approach counseling from an integrative approach, discuss how all of the theories are cohesive, or the ways in which you believe your collective approach to counseling utilizing the various theories will benefit the therapeutic process.
3. Taking only your primary/base theoretical approach to counseling, you will want to integrate discussion of cultural factors and ethical issues that could arise. For example, if your approach to counseling includes a theory that is insight oriented you might need to make adjustments to this if providing counseling to certain populations. For example, some members of certain Asian cultures may appreciate more directive approaches. They view the counselor as the authority figure and therefore want directions from them and might very well be opposed to working toward gaining insight. This discussion should include at least 2–3 diverse populations and discussing how you would make the necessary adjustments to the approach, what might be necessary and related ethical issues that could arise. Submission Requirements  Number of Pages: The body of the paper should be 8–10 pages long.  References The paper must include a reference list. Include at least five current references, in addition to your textbooks. You must use proper, current Evidence and APALinks to an external site. in listing your references.  Formatting: Use current APA style, including correct in-text citations, proper punctuation, double-spacing throughout, proper headings and subheadings, no skipped lines before headings and subheadings, proper paragraph and block indentation, no bolding, and no bullets. See Evidence and APALinks to an external site. . Socratic questioning involves therapists asking a series of graded questions to guide patient behavior and thought processes toward therapeutic goals. Therapists guide patients in an effort to help them develop and implement the skills emphasized in treatment (e.g., developing alternative responses to negative automatic thoughts; Beck, 1995 , Beck et al., 1979 , Calero-Elvira et al., 2013 , Overholser, 1993 ). In using Socratic questioning, therapists avoid a didactic style and instead use questions to help patients develop new perspectives ( Overholser, 2011 , Padesky, 1993 ). Socratic questioning is intended to foster active engagement and critical thinking, thereby aiding in the learning process ( Neenan, 2009 ). While evidence for the facilitation of learning is limited in the context of psychotherapy, others have suggested that styles of interaction involving a reliance on questioning and seeking input may have advantages in the context of persuasion and negotiation ( Grant, 2013 ).
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