Alisha Smithson Research Connections - Jan



Colorado Christian University *

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May 12, 2024





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RESEARCH CONNECTIONS 1 Research Connections Alisha Smithson Colorado Christian University PSY-501-15002-SP24 - Advanced Theories of Psychology Dr. Al Smith January 21, 2024
RESEARCH CONNECTIONS 2 Research Connections The Theorists The chosen theorists for this research connection are Jean Piaget with developmental psychology and Abraham Maslow with the psychology of personality. Abraham Maslow is widely known for his hierarchy of needs. His belief was that the survival needs of individuals must be met before they can satisfy their higher needs(Mcleod, 2024). Jean Piaget was best known for his theory of cognitive development. He did not agree with the consensus that children were like small adults. He believed that their thinking was completely different from adults in that they separated knowledge into schemas(Cherry, 2023). Relating/Comparing The article refers to ecological system’s theory, which is the interactions that juveniles have in each area of their lives and how those areas and their interactions affect the development of the individual(Snyder & Duchschere, 2022). Basically stating that the things that happen in the child’s life shape who that child is and how they develop. This completely relates to Maslow’s theory of hierarchy of needs and his belief that survival needs have to be met before those people can satisfy the higher needs for themselves. This also relates to Piaget’s theory that children separate knowledge they receive from their interactions in all areas of their lives into schemas. By this I mean that ecological system theory is a belief that changes over time, socio- cultural influences, indirect structures, connections, and the immediate environment affect the child(Snyder & Duchschere, 2022). Maslow believed that without an individual's basic survival needs being met, then they could not meet their higher ones. This was due to the developmental delay from needs not being met and from the interactions of the world around them ie normal
RESEARCH CONNECTIONS 3 changes, cultural influences, indirect structures, connections, and their immediate environment(Mcleod, 2024). The same can be said for Piaget’s theory and how children separate their knowledge from the interactions of the world around them(Cherry, 2023). Juveniles in the juvenile justice system are not there because they woke up one day and decided they just wanted to be bad and get into trouble. A lot of them come from broken families, drug-addict parents, pressure from friends and wanting to fit in the judgment of the world around them. In my line of work as a family service worker for the child protective services (CPS) division I have seen a lot of trouble; children and teens. A lot of it stems from childhood trauma that they received at a young age, so from being rejected not only by their own family but from foster home after foster home, also because caseworkers that are supposed to be there to help them only care to pick up a pay check not really caring about the child, being denied critical medical/health care that is needed at important stages of their lives, disorders going un-diagnosed and thus untreated. There are so many more things that can affect young people and teens. The article states that the family is central to a child's microsystem and defines the microsystem as persons having immediate contact with the children. The article's theory is that family factors are strong indicators of delinquency(Snyder & Duchschere, 2022). I have also found this to be true without the help of the article. Take, for instance, children that come from an impoverished community. They are used to not having much, so they want more than what they have. Some of them take that a step further and steal, or they take on selling drugs or stolen goods to make that happen. Children with mental health problems, especially those that go untreated, will also lead themselves down the wrong path more often than not. Children that don’t have parents due to incarceration or because they are strung out on drugs or those children
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