
Asymmetrical Approach

Decent Essays

In judging one side just or unjust, no matter the epistemic difficultly of the task, one contributes or detracts from a particular side within a conflict. Given this, there emerges a second tier of collective international liability. Are spectators in the international community who support an unjust war accomplices or co-conspirators by virtue of their contributions to an unjust war effort? And if they are, how would victor’s justice operate in this second tier of collective international moral liability? To answer these questions I will provide a series of arguments broken up into three sections: foundations, applications, and implications. First, in section I: foundations, I will outline why exploring an asymmetrical approach is a productive …show more content…

The notion of symmetry in warfare runs aground when its underlying logic contradicts the principles of morality we hold in other cases of self-defense. For instance, a burglar and a victim when engaged in armed combat do not possess symmetrical rights and obligations. The burglar cannot slay the victim if they resist and appeal to self-defense in the same way an invading force looking to rob a weaker nation of natural resource wealth cannot slay the military forces of the other side and appeal to appeal to a symmetry principle based on reductivism. It cannot be that by simply presenting a threat that one loses their right not to be attacked. A principle of symmetry then seems to contradict our everyday moral intuitions. The alternative, an asymmetrical principle, would uphold our conventional morality on the stage of war. This view could be illustrated in the analogy of a policeman using authorized force to prevent a bank robbery. Just combatants, like the officer, are morally justified in bringing deadly force unto unjust combatants. Just combatants on the other hand, like the bank robbers, would be unjustified morally in bring deadly force unto the just combatants. Furthermore, this example also undermines the relationship between symmetry and independence. It seems to be the case that the reason an actor

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