
Essay On The Movie Mommie Dearest

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Personality Disorders are patterns of inflexible traits that disrupt social life or work and may distress the affected individual. Psychological Disorders is an illness that an individual experience as episodes, and can be clearly distinguished from personality. While we aren’t trained psychologists, everyone can learn how to learn these disorders and identify them in movies and TV, or even real life! A movie that can help you learn how to identify and have a better understanding of these disorders is “Mommie Dearest”. This movie is based off a book about a famous actress Joan Crawford who had multiple disorders. The disorders Joan Crawford possessed was Bipolar, Narcissistic, Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder, and Borderline. …show more content…

A scene that shows Joan Crawford’s Narcissism was when Joan was watching her daughter swimming in the pool along with her current boyfriend then once he finally left Joan started racing her daughter in the pool and she had to win and didn’t even give Christine a chance and Joan was upset that Christine was not praising her for winning. A second scene that shows Joan Crawford’s narcissism was when she received an award over the radio and she immediately went outside her house and spoke to the press waiting for her instead of just plain celebrating with her kids. One of the more obvious disorders that were shown was Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder which is, one’s inflexibility and fixation on rules, procedure, and orderliness, the main difference between OCD and OCPD is they do not perform constant meaningless rituals. Some symptoms are anxiety about time, cleanliness, and worry about money which causes them to work more than needed. What causes OCPD is not entirely clear but psychologist believe it is a combination of genetics and environment. One of the scenes that display OCPD was when Joan and her maids were cleaning her house and one of her maids forgot to move a pot when she waxed the floor which caused a ring of dirt and Joan said, “I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at the dirt.” then her current boyfriend showed up and she forgot

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