
Ethical Issues In College Essay

Decent Essays

Tampa, Fla.

Technology decisions should not be made solely in some geeky corner of the campus. These days technology should be central to strategic planning and ought to involve top academic leaders. That was a clear theme of discussions at The Chronicle's Technology Forum, held here last week.

Not convinced? Think about all the private data on computers in campus networks, efforts to set up emergency-notification systems to keep everyone informed when crisis hits, and the growing pressure from Congress to stop online music and movie piracy.
Campus-technology leaders traded tales from the trenches and plenty of advice during the two-day event.

First, Shore Up Firewalls

No one envied Roderick J. McDavis's uncomfortable position. Mr. McDavis, president of Ohio University, took the stage to describe how he and his university responded to a series of network-security breaches that made headlines in 2006.

"I …show more content…

Which of the dozens of service providers best fit the campus's needs? How do you get students to sign up? Who should have access to the "send" button?
Recent campus shootings, including those at Virginia Tech last spring, and weather calamities, like Hurricane Katrina, have led campus officials to look for ways to dash out information to students and faculty and staff members during a crisis.

Michael L. Dame, director of Web communications at Virginia Tech, said 54 companies selling emergency-notification systems contacted the institute after the shootings. University officials looked for a product that not only was reliable but also offered strong protection for student data, he said. They ruled out companies that offered a free service in exchange for the right to send advertising to participants.

The university eventually chose a system from 3n, a Glendale, Calif., company that specializes in community

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