
Explain Why Social Media Should Not Be Allowed In School

Satisfactory Essays

Birdie Brown 2nd Hour, Brothers Why Social Networking Should Not Be Allowed in School Does social media really help students in school? Does it help with a student’s ability to learn? When a student is on social media in school, are they just being distracted? Social networking has become a very widespread thing to do, but since teachers are allowing it in school, students seem to be more distracted. Although social networking in school may make students more interactive with others, teachers should not allow it in school because it distracts students from classwork, gives students anxiety, and social media is filled with inappropriate pictures and language that could get students into trouble. Social networking in school will distract students from classwork. Digital technology creates a distracted environment, and makes it hard for students to work on assignments. A Pew Research Center survey said that almost 90 percent of teachers understand that digital technologies are making a distracted and short attention spanned generation. This mean that students are easily distracted by technology, and allowing social media in school will make this distraction worse for students. Yes, it might make the students more engaged, but it will also make them be in a very distracted environment that will make it hard for them to do work. If …show more content…

In 2010, the Cyberbullying Research Center stated that 20 percent of students said they had been cyberbullied. The same amount of students admitted they had cyberbullied. Other researches have had the amount of victims at 40 percent. In 2016, 34 percent. While it’s true that some cyberbullying happens just at home, some of it can happen at school if schools are not careful. WIthout having social media in schools, schools can have a more stress free environment that schools with social networking allowances do

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