
Post War Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

After the war most children were orphaned. Other children that weren't orphaned wished they were. "To have been born...on an unknown day, to Mother unknown, begotten by Father Nowheretobefound," was more preferable than being a child of German parents. Orphans were more wanted because European states didn't want the generation to rebuild their countries to have a past. A reason why children's pasts were so fraught was schools, parents and states fought over who can be trusted to interpret them. Parents and state officials that didn't think this was right to be keeping children's "true" identity from them would result in the loss of moral, ideological, and physical ruin. Various claimants made exclusive assertions about the whereabouts of the "true" home and "true" identity. The claimants didn't want t nit teach the children of the past but to put particular versions of in their minds. Premysl Pitter, the Czech …show more content…

So he could re-educate them in tolerance. Pitter and the staff said that Germans, Czechs, and Jews had to ban together if they wanted to fight the Soviet threat. Putter's beliefs were unusual in Europe. Zahra said the national-ethnic solidarity and the sanctity of the nation-state were as much apart of the post-war ethos that camped displaced persons (DP) separated by nationality. Jews had their own schools and camps furnished by Jews. When a New York colleague showed concern for the "one-sided" education in Jewish children in DP camps, a teacher said, " Indoctrination may not be good for normal children in normal surroundings. But what is normal here?... A crooked foot needs a crooked shoe." The UN Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRAA) worker Syma Klok testified to the hope and long hours spent "on individual children...endeavoring to revive love of their family and country." Yet, Zahra writes psychologists and workers for international charity organizations got bouts of frustration and fearing that "crooked feet" couldn't

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