
Social Work Ethics As Applied Ethics

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Benkova. K., an author of the article Social Work Ethics as Applied Ethics, describes “ethics as a systematic drive to understand our individual and social moral experience in such a way that enables establishing rules which are to govern people’s behavior, to define values which are worth sticking to, and also to encourage such character traits in people which oneself is worth to develop”(Benkova 2009). Social workers are responsible for human physical and emotional well-being. In order to help people, social workers have to make their decisions based on strong moral and ethical values. As claims DuBois B. (2009) “Social Work is a values - based profession. Values reflect preferences and inform choices” ( p.105). Warrick believes that the difference between moral dilemmas and ethical ones is that in moral issues the choice is between right and wrong. In ethics, the choice is between two rights ( Warrick,1991). I strongly agree with this saying. After reading a story about Belinda Lima and her co-workers, I also asked myself a question- “would I make a report to federal government about the client that opened up to me about his problems and relies on me?” I spent a good amount of time thinking about all pros and cons of this situation. I was being to myself as honest as I could, but I wasn’t able to come up with a definite answer. On one side- there is a person who trusts me, and despite all legal issues decided to speak to a social

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