
Strain Theory And White Collar Crime

Decent Essays

The strain theory is the perfect explanation for a person or organization to commit white-collar crime(s). White-collar crimes are usually committed by people earning a middle to upper class income that have the opportunity and educational skills necessary to engage in this type of criminal behavior. The pursuit of obtaining the American dream has captivated people in our society to a point that whatever means possible to achieve and maintain this dream must be explored. Americans are fascinated with material goods. Musicians constantly write lyrics and singing in videos depicting wealthy lifestyles showing mansions and exotic vehicles along with a throng of half naked women around them. Television commercials subconsciously send messages of how certain material goods instill a …show more content…

Secondly, these individuals or organizations truly believe they will accomplish their illicit act(s) and not get caught. Finally, all too often, individuals or people belong to organizations committing white-collar crimes try and keep up with their lifestyle, don’t want to be viewed as a failure, or have a propensity toward low self-control or complete control. Sadly, often they usually only have to pay a fine and the people involved are rarely prosecuted. And if they are arrested, they don’t receive lengthly sentences. In addition, people engaged in white-collar crime fly under the radar often-negotiating plea deals; therefore, the public’s interests in these crimes are short lived. If white-collar crimes made there way to the mainstream media as much as violent crimes, and the news media followed-up on the damage these crimes caused to their victims, legislators might be compelled by their constituents to amend the sentencing guidelines making the consequences for these criminals a lot more

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