
Summary Of The Legal Requirements And Guidance Relating To Safeguarding

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1. Analyze legal requirements and guidance relating to the safeguarding of children.
In order to not only promote the welfare of children within a setting but also to protect them from harm and abuse there are a number of pieces of legislation and statutory guidance that must be adhered to. Both laws and statutory guidance are mandatory and so legally enforceable and must act as a foundation of which policies and procedures within any setting can be based upon.
The following are all legal requirements acting in the interest of child protection and safeguarding to promote the welfare of children and protect them from abuse and harm:
The Children Act 1989 – Places a duty on all child care practitioners within a setting to not only identify but also to meet the needs of every individual child as well as keeping them safe. The Act introduced the idea of child led planning, placing the child at the center of any planning made regarding their own learning and development. The act also specifies the responsibility of the parent in keeping their own child safe and free from harm.
Section 17 of the act places an obligation to ensure services are in place within local authority areas to safeguard and promote the welfare of children within such areas who are 'in need'.
Section 47 of the Act places a duty upon local authorities to investigate such situations whereby 'there is reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering or likely to suffer harm'.
The Children Act 2004 –

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