
Support Children and Young People to Make Positive Changes in Their Lives

Better Essays

Unit: 21 Support children and young people to make positive changes in their lives

Evidence Ref:……………………………… Candidate Name: Jennifer Thomas-Grant…………. Assessor Name:…………………………….

Observed by your assessor (O)  Personal Statement (EPS)  Product Evidence (EP)  Professional Discussion (PD) 
Seen by Witness (EWT)  Case History (ECH)  Questioning (QC)  APEL/RPL 

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They may become resentful at missing out on their childhood and present challenging behaviour. They may suffer anxiety whilst away from home and worry about their parent, resulting in a failure to engage in their education. They may not fulfil their potential in life as much of it will be dedicated to being a carer. Having a parent with a long term illness or disability could also lead to financial hardship due to lack of employment.

• Criminal or anti –social behaviour
Whether it is behaviour presented by the child, a sibling or parent it could result in the child being taken into care. A parent could be absent for a length of time, if imprisoned, causing emotional stress. The child may perceive the behaviour as normal or acceptable, especially if it is being carried out by the parents and copy it. It may result in a transient lifestyle, as they could be re-housed as a result of anti-social behaviour. This would result in the child suffering a disrupted education and struggling to form long term stable friendships.

• Addictions
The impact of addictions on children can be various. They can suffer health problems, if their mother had a drug or alcohol problem during pregnancy. They may suffer poverty due to lack of employment, or if the addiction is gambling.

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