
The Pros And Cons Of The War On Terrorism

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Fighting fire with fire, or in this case, fighting terrorism with terrorism. This, simply put, is what many believe to be the solution to terrorism - a War on Terror. NATO is well-known for being one of the largest and strongest organizations or military alliances in which participating states agree to mutual defense in any event of an external attack. Since the attack of 9/11, NATO, with the lead of the U.S., has been determined to eradicate each and every single terrorist group or any form of terrorism. Over the years, these motivations have sparked countless controversial issues as ethics of this war became increasingly questionable. Although many may support this concept of a "War on Terror", it is simply, without question, economically damaging, misleading, and a hopeless attempt to solve the issue of terrorism.

In 2011, expenses for the War on Terror were reported by the Pentagon to be about $1 trillion. However, when experts carefully analyzed the data and expenses, they had discovered hidden costs that were left unmentioned by the Pentagon, creating a new total of approximately $4.4 trillion. To put this into perspective, $4.4 trillion is over a fifth of the total U.S. tax revenue from 2001-2011 (about $21 trillion). If just $1 billion in education spending adds $1.3 billion to the economy and creates 17,687 jobs, imagine the benefits from the thousands of billions of dollars that are used to support the War on Terror. As a result, many jobs and economic

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