
Troop Effect Research

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Mini Project Collecting data was and still one of the most important steps for any research or experiment. But what is more important is to understand who to read and analyze the data that the research collect and conclude. One of the most interesting researches is the troop effect research, which proof that people respond slower in presents of a distraction, and to examine the result of the troop effect, we collected data from the students in the math class. We recorded the time spent naming the color of 30 words that match the color, and then the time spent naming the color of 30 words that don’t match the color. We used the data to answer the research question: how much time people would take to name the color of random colors names if …show more content…

Miss using the timer to record the time spent during the experiment is one of those lurking variables. Second, the speaking speed can vary from a person to another, some people are naturally speak slower or faster than others. Because the data were not collected in the same environment, there might be some other distractions that can affect the time needed to finish naming the 30 words. And lastly, the timers used might not be calibrated the same, or some timers were not working properly, and this would also leave us with wrong time and wrong data. Histograms can explain data sets visually, and we clearly can see that the histogram “time without interference is unimodal positive skewed. We also can see that the histogram “Time with interference” is multimodal and roughly positive skewed. The data set that include the time spent naming the colors with interference have no outliners because the outliners should be either bigger than 46.31 or less than 7.06, and our available data are between those two numbers The histogram “time without interference” have outliners, which are the data that are larger than 18.1975 and they are {19, 20, …show more content…

The Standard deviation of the time with interference is 8.9991. The Standard deviation of the times without interference is 3.0584 The IQR of the time with interference is 26.295-12.95=13.345. The IQR of the times without interference is 13.975-11.16= 2.815. But If I would choose only one measure of center I would choose the median because it is resistant to outliners. And if I would choose one measure of spread I would choose the standard deviation because standard deviation explain how the data set is separated around the mean, as a result I can understand the spread of the data, and draw conclusions and estimations. All in all, the Stroop effect is broadly true. Generally people would take more time to name the colors of color names that doesn’t match, than naming the color of color names that does match the color of the word. Generally people would take 11.00 to 13.00 seconds to name the colors without interference and take between 9.00 to 16.00 seconds to name the colors of the words with interference. There for, people respond slower in presents of distraction around

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