a) Ifyou project planned deliveries back in schedule due to lead times and encounter negative times, what does that mean? Explain in 200 words. b) If it is impossible to meet the demand by your inventory, what can you do in your MRP table? Explain in 200 words. c) Once you finish your MRP table and observe that you made an error, what should you do? Explain in 200 words.

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Hi and thanks for your question! Unfortunately we cannot answer this particular question due to its complexity. We've credited a question back to your account. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Your Question:
a) Ifyou project planned deliveries back in schedule due to lead times and encounter negative
times, what does that mean? Explain in 200 words.
b) If it is impossible to meet the demand by your inventory, what can you do in your MRP
table? Explain in 200 words.
c) Once you finish your MRP table and observe that you made an error, what should you do?
Explain in 200 words.
Transcribed Image Text:a) Ifyou project planned deliveries back in schedule due to lead times and encounter negative times, what does that mean? Explain in 200 words. b) If it is impossible to meet the demand by your inventory, what can you do in your MRP table? Explain in 200 words. c) Once you finish your MRP table and observe that you made an error, what should you do? Explain in 200 words.
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