University of Phoenix Material
Final Exam
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Indicate your answer to each of the following questions by highlighting your choices. Each correct answer is worth .5 points.
1. Which one of the following skills best helps the human services professional understand the client’s environment? a. Listening b. Report writing c. Problem solving d. Advising
2. Ethical codes adopted by a profession are usually based on the premise that a. the solution to every problem can be found in the ethical code b. professions can police themselves. c.
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Intended to address areas such as employment, goods and services, and participation in the political process
7. Clients seeking human services can benefit from technology a. without worrying about confidentiality issues b. without knowing much about computers themselves c. without physically meeting with a professional d. without worrying about the quality of services
8. According to the text, factors that influence how a client defines and resolves a problem include all of the following EXCEPT a. the qualifications of the helper b. the client’s developmental needs c. the client’s cultural values d. how the client perceives the situation
9. Supporting activities such as films, speakers, school programs, and pamphlets educate the population, which is a goal of the a. human service model b. public health model c. medical model d. all three models
10. The whole person refers to one of the following: a. the person and his or her environment b. the person and all the medical personnel involved c. the person and relationships with all the family d. the person and the problems he or she faces
11. Empathy is best described as a. crying when someone else is hurt b. feeling sorry for others c. acceptance of others and seeing their situation from their perspective d. being able to read another
B) developing health education/promotion programs for the people they serve and evaluating health education/promotion programs.
Please write the correct answer on the left line for each question. Each question has 2 points. Please use another color than black for your answers.
How would you apply the strengths, needs, abilities, and preferences principles in your desired future, or current, human services career? How will this benefit you and the client?
Type the letter that represents the best answer to each of the multiple choice questions. Answer all questions in this section. Each question is worth 1 point.
2) Do I understand exactly what the problem is and how it influences the client?
Human service professional’s main focus is to successfully deliver and to meet human needs. As a professional for human services, an individual must have knowledge and commitment to delivering the highest quality level of services to their client or client’s issues to improve their client’s quality of living. Human services have several of roles depending on their professions. Some roles may include learning to build relationships with clients, finding the right resources for clients, additional training and technology skills. In addition to several of roles, as a human service professional, it is very important to practice the ethical responsibilities that come within human services when dealing with clients on daily basis.
1. In your text on pages 206-207, the author discusses his research on the homeless population. He refers to the many routes one can take to become homeless. Choose two populations from his list that you might work with in your career as a human services professional. Describe two possible interventions or tasks that you might be involved with in working with each population. What are some of the general skills a human services professional might need to work with these population?
7. What do you believe will be your strengths and challenges in working with diverse
There are a number of techniques and core concepts utilised to establish the desired future of the client, such as the miracle question, scaling question and an exception question. These techniques are used to encourage new patterns of thinking and establishing solutions to construct the preferred future of the client (AIPC, 2010).
Three of the eight objectives that I have utilized the most during my practicum for Human Service 250 is, how to demonstrate a helping relationship with a client, how to demonstrate time management techniques, and how to demonstrate professional attitudes with clients and agency personnel. During my practicum I have utilized the rest of the objectives for this class, which are, how to demonstrate interviewing skills, to describe agency policies and functions, to demonstrate knowledge of confidentiality and ethical issues, how to measure, collect and interpret information needed for service delivery, and how to identify personal strengths and weaknesses in the practicum experience. Hopefully, this paper will demonstrate the
6. Commitment: the determination to meet a service user’s individual needs and improve care. People skills People skills help us get on with other individuals and help us to develop relationships. Some of these skills are listed below: o Empathy: is having the ability to understand and share the emotions of other individuals.
Specific Purpose: To persuade and influence the beliefs of the audience concerning the educating of undocumented children.
2. Then we need to understand the customers with whom we have been successful and why.
The following questions
Create opportunities for school dropouts and deprived youth to help them lead productive and socially useful lives.