
Compare And Contrast Leadership And Management

Decent Essays

In the management industry, there is much confusion between leadership and management.
For a quick review, the definition of leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group or individuals, to achieve a common goal.
However, the definition of management is a bit different.
The definition of management is to exercise executive management, administrative, and monitoring of a group or organization.
Leadership and management share some similarities.
Leadership and management involve influence, working with people, and work with efficient management purposes.
However, the areas of leadership and management can also be considered to be very different.
Many people use the terms interchangeably. Others see them as separate, but …show more content…

In the company the effective team, is the team who has a leader who can understand the behaviors and motivations of its members, and members know that their leader understands and appreciates their talents and their own motivations. That is why in this first part, we'll talk about the 6 mains styles of leadership.

Let’s start with the leadership Cooperative.
This is one of the four most effective leadership styles. The cooperative style allows you as a leader for the different needs and goals of the organization, but also to your employees. This technique is primarily intended to motivate and reward team members. This type of leadership encourages each employee to achieve its long-term specific goals and developing plans to help them in their achievements.

Then the second leadership style is the visionary leader.
The leader must inspire engage employees, prescribe a common vision, choose a direction to take and encourage them to follow him. The whole team needs to continue and share the same goals and objectives. One could say that this style of leadership is the most effective of all, especially in large organizations. Nelson Mandela was one of the greatest leaders in history, great freedom fighter and

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