
Effective Listening Essay

Decent Essays

As Soldiers, Leaders, and Non-Commissioned Officers communication has always been a significant factor in our profession. Effective listening is a key step in communicating, as leaders; we must understand the different types of listening in order to improve our communication. Communication begins within our squad, our unit, and ourselves. Effective listening is increased and implemented when communicating with others.

Leadership is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and provide organization. (FM 6-22, 2015) As a leader, we must communicate with our seniors, peers, and subordinates in order to accomplish the mission or goal. Listening to the details of the task or mission …show more content…

It results in soldiers and leaders to complete a task in the incorrect matter or miss the timeline, causing them to back track or possibly cause harm to the unit, element, or themselves. I do believe effective listening is one of the most important factors in communication. As a Leader, we must practice effective listening and communication to improve the goals of the unit, establish trust, and arise success. Effective listening can be practiced everyday by conversing with our subordinates and peers, taking notes during briefs, and sharing the information with our squad or unit. Being a charitable leader means we must be a productive speaker, but if you want to be a good communicator you may want to stop talking for a moment and listen up. (How, 2015) Occasionally Leaders tend to disregard conversation due to turning a blind eye towards their soldiers or peers. Being able to listen effectively, respond accordingly, and engage appropriately no matter the age or rank of a soldier shows good leadership and communication skills. We must help each other enhance effective listening as Soldiers, Leaders, and Non-Commissioned Officers to build each other and

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