
How Can Hr Management Systems and Practices in Singapore, Be Re-Designed Using Km and Ol Principles to Increase Innovation and Competitive Advantage over the Next Five Years.

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BUS 378: Knowledge & Organisational Learning
Essay Outline:

How can HR management systems and practices in Singapore, be re-designed using KM and OL principles to increase innovation and competitive advantage over the next five years.

2012 is marked as a significant year for Singapore’s workforce demographics. This is the year where the first batch of baby boomers turned 65 years old (National Population and Talent Division, Prime Minister’s Office 2012). Under the Retirement and Re-employment Act (RRA) in effect since 1 January 2012, while the statutory minimum retirement age remains at 62 year old, employers are now required to offer re-employment to eligible employees who turn 62, up to …show more content…

Organisational Learning
Jashapara (2011) defines organisational learning as the processes of improving organisational actions through better knowledge and understanding.

Organisational learning can be seen as the goal of knowledge management and may be obtained by good knowledge management strategies and processes. By motivating the creation, dissemination and application of knowledge, KM initiatives pay off by helping the organization embed knowledge into organisational processes so that it can continuously improve its practices and behaviours and pursue the achievement of its goals.

KM and OL in Training and Development
Training and development is defined as the heart of a continuous effort deigned to improve employee competency and organisational performance (Mondy, Robert and Shane 2002). Training provides trainees with information and skills needed for their current job, while development arms them with the knowledge needed for the future role.

Training and development provide employees the skills and knowledge to keep up with the company’s changes and growth. It can also help to develop and improve the corporate culture, its efficiency and its effectiveness; and helps in creating the learning culture within the company.

In a traditional company setting, the Human Resource department (HRD) generally would look for training programmes for

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