
Positioning the Nissan Leaf

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2. Discuss the way the Nissan Leaf is being positioned in the market communications activity of Nissan? Illustrate your answers by considering a range of promotional mix variables. The Nissan Leaf is a Zero-Emission electric vehicle manufactured by Nissan and was launched in Japan, the USA and Europe on August 2, 2009, (Mulcahy, 2013) though it has been a proponent of green technologies since after the Second World War and the oil price fluctuations. However, until 2012, only seven, of their more than 20 introduced concepts, went into production and only one, Nissan Leaf was successful. The car is sold in over 15 countries and has received many awards for excellence and Nissan claims that the car is over 90% recyclable. (Dekhordi, Yonekura and Kohnepushi, 2013) The Nissan leaf has been positioned differently for different market segments. According to Solomon, though the job of the marketer is to create value, build customer relationships and satisfy their needs, it is difficult, as in todays’ complex society people have different needs and therefore it is important to segment markets and target them individually, therefore markets are segmented into different segments on the basis of demographics; age and gender, family structure, income, race, ethnicity and social class (Solomon, 2013). Using these different criteria, marketers segment their markets, according to particular characteristics, which they share, and then target them accordingly. Targeting is evaluating

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