
Process Essay the Battle to Buy a Car

Decent Essays

Word Count: 799
Informative Process Analysis
Audience: Individuals interested in purchasing a vehicle
Purpose: To help potential car buyers be prepared; so, they may achieve what they want, and need in a vehicle.

Thesis: There is a method to the madness of buying a vehicle; you just need to have the right weapons for battle. A. Know what you want. B. Know how you’re going to pay for it. C. Be informed. D. Take your time. E. Above all, don’t be gullible
The Battle to Buy a Car After twenty-six years in the car business, I can honestly say, “I’ve seen and heard it all.” As with most things, the car business changes constantly. Always inventing new ways of sell a car. However, one thing hasn’t changed. It …show more content…

What a deal! Unaware that his salesperson was awarded salesmen of the month; for selling the only two-wheel drive truck, the dealership has ever had. There you go. The saying is correct. There is an ass for every seat! Three weeks down the road the customer is late for work because the bright red truck, he’s only paying two hundred and forty dollars a month for; can’t get out of the driveway! Prioritize. Have an ideal of what’s most important to least important to you. Second, know how you plan to pay for this vehicle. Are you paying cash or will you need to finance. If you are paying cash, know ahead of time how much you have or are willing to spend; and stick with it. If you need to finance, check out interest rates and terms that are available to you through banks and other financial institutions, such as credit unions, small finance companies, and even family. Car dealers generate a great deal of income from assisting you with financing. The financial institutions pay dealers depending on what interest rate and term they give to the customer. You may, be able to save money doing it yourself. Third, be informed. The price is important to all of us. However, it’s not everything. Before you can successfully negotiate anything, you need to know as much about it as you can. Use all resources of information available to you. Today we have the optimum weapon, the Internet. Use it. The internet can show all makes and models of vehicles,

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