
The Most Important Aspects Of The Us Government 's Power Essay

Decent Essays

The question I chose for the essay is what are the most important aspects of the US Government’s power? It can clearly be said that it is essentially the structure and functionality of the country’s government, the profoundness of its constitution and the fervent commitment of its leaders to the national objectives. The United States of America is among those rare nations that have a remarkably rich history. Throughout the course of history, the United States has faced many challenges, but still survived due to the loyalty of its people, and the commitment of the country’s phenomenal leadership. “In the everyday politics of the home front, Loyalty proved even more difficult to define than in Royce’s philosophical system. 175” (Capozzola, 2008). Till date, the United States Government has been served by a total of 44 presidents, every one of whom has done his part in reshaping the future of what today is a global super power. Under the Government of the United States, the president is the head of the state, responsible for making all the key decisions for the country and its counterparts.

Elements of Power for the US Government
Since the very beginning of the federal constitutional republic of the United States, one of the most significant aspects of ensuring the government’s power are its straight-forward policies and regulations. For instance, the government of the country follows strict regulations in terms of entry to and exit from the country boundaries.

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