Frank J. Wilstach, comp. A Dictionary of Similes. 1916.
Author Index
Emily Dickinson to Lays of Ancient India
- Emily Dickinson
- Jonathan Dickinson
- Martha Gilbert Dickinson
- S. H. Dickson
- Denis Diderot
- Wentworth Dillon
- Diogenes Laertius
- Disraeli
- Lady Florence Dixie
- Sydney Dobell
- Austin Dobson
- Henry Irving Dodge
- Alfred Domett
- John Donne
- Ignatius Donnelly
- Dr. John Doran
- Julia C. R. Dorr
- Earl of Dorset
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
- Gawain Douglas
- William Douglas
- Edward Dowden
- Bartholomew Dowling
- W. S. Downey
- Ernest Dowson
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Sir Francis Doyle
- Joseph Rodman Drake
- John W. Draper
- Michael Drayton
- William Drummond
- John Dryden
- William Dudgeon
- Lady Dufferin
- Sir Charles Gavan Duffy
- Richard Duke
- Alexandre Dumas, fils
- Alexandre Dumas, père
- George Du Maurier
- Paul Laurence Dunbar
- William Dunbar
- William Dunlap
- Finley Peter Dunne
- Lord Dunsany
- Tom Durfey
- Dutch Proverb
- R. C. Dutt
- Timothy Dwight
- John Dyer
- Bishop John Earle
- José Echegaray
- The Elder Edda
- Arthur Jerome Eddy
- Robert Edgren
- Albert Edwards
- Osman Edwards
- Georges Eekhoud
- Maurice Francis Egan
- Pierce Egan
- Edward Eggleston
- Egyptian
- Joseph von Eichendorff
- Charles Eliot
- George Eliot
- Ebenezer Elliott
- George Ellis
- Havelock Ellis
- James Ellis
- Henry Ellison
- Erastus W. Ellsworth
- George H. Ellwanger
- Sir Thomas Elyot
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- English Ballad
- English Proverb
- English Song
- Epicharmus
- Epictetus
- Ancient Erse
- Euripides
- A. B. Evans (Leicester Words, Phrases and Proverbs)
- John Evelyn
- Margaret Ewing
- Frederick William Faber
- Francis A. Fahy
- William Falconer
- Sir F. Fane
- Violet Fane
- Jeffery Farnol
- George Farquhar
- Edgar Fawcett
- Frances Fawkes
- Theodore S. Fay
- Fazil-Bey
- Owen Feltham
- C. C. Felton
- Mary M. Fenollosa
- Elijah Fenton
- Edna Ferber
- Sir Samuel Ferguson
- Paul Ferroll
- Eugene Field
- Kate Field
- Michael Field
- Nathaniel Field
- Roswell M. Field
- Henry Fielding
- James T. Fields
- Darrel Figgis
- Francis M. Finch
- Henry T. Finck
- Henry J. Finn
- Firdausi
- Arthur D. Fiske
- George Fitch
- Edward Fitzgerald
- Edward Octavus Flagg
- James Montgomery Flagg
- Thomas Flatman
- Gustave Flaubert
- Richard Flecknoe
- Anthonie Fletcher (Certain Very Proper and Profitable Similes, 1595)
- Giles Fletcher
- John Fletcher
- Phineas Fletcher
- R. Fletcher
- Theofilo Folengo
- Alice A. Folger
- Samuel Foote
- Robert Forby (Vocabulary of East Anglia)
- James L. Ford
- John Ford
- S. Gertrude Ford
- Sewell Ford
- Simeon Ford
- John W. de Forest
- Fanny Forester
- Mrs. E. Forrester
- Fortserré
- Sam Walter Foss
- John Foster
- Foundling Hospital for Wit, 1743
- Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler
- Charles James Fox
- John Fox
- Anatole France
- Benjamin Franklin
- Robert W. Fraser
- C. C. Fraser-Tytler
- Harold Frederic
- Frederick the Great
- H. B. Freeman
- Ferdinand Freiligrath
- Francis M. French
- French Proverb
- Philip Freneau
- John H. Frere
- Thomas Frost
- James Anthony Froude
- Thomas Fuller
- Thomas Fuller, M.D.
- Ulpian Fulwell
- Émile Gaboriau
- Norman Gale
- Zona Gale
- John Galsworthy
- Gammer Gurton’s Needle
- William Channing Gannett
- Arne Garbog
- James H. Gardiner
- Hamlin Garland
- Richard Garnett
- David Garrick
- Theodosia Garrison
- William Lloyd Garrison
- Samuel Garth
- George Gascoigne
- Mrs. Gaskell
- Théphile Gautier
- John Gay
- Mary Geoghegan
- Lyman F. George
- Giacosa and Illica
- Edward Gibbon
- William Hamilton Gibson
- William Gifford
- Sir William Schwenk Gilbert
- George Gilfillan
- James R. Gilmore
- Minnie Gilmore
- Madame de Girardin
- George Gissing
- William Ewart Gladstone
- Richard Butler Glaenzer
- Richard Glover
- Joseph A. de Gobineau
- William Godwin
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Nikolai V. Gogol
- R. L. Goldberg
- Carlo Goldoni
- Oliver Goldsmith
- Ivan A. Goncharov
- Edmond and Jules de Goncourt
- J. Cheever Goodwin
- Adam Lindsay Gordon
- Edmund Gosse
- Stephen Gosson
- John Gower
- Baltasar Gracian
- James Graeme
- Arturo Graf
- James Grahame
- Kenneth Grahame
- James Grainger
- John Grange
- Robert Grant
- George Granville
- Alfred Perceval Graves
- Charles Gray
- David Gray
- P. D. Gray
- Thomas Gray
- Helen Green
- Matthew Green
- Robert Greene
- Dora Greenwall
- Gregory of Nazianzus
- Lady Gregory
- Fulke Greville
- Francis Grierson
- Gerald Griffin
- Frank Carlos Griffith
- Rufus W. Griswold
- Francis Grose
- Henry Grove
- Grub-street Journal, 1730
- Georges Maurice de Guérin
- Arthur Guiterman
- Ranger Gull
- Frank W. Gunsaulus
- J. S. Guthrie
- Ernst H. Haeckel
- Hafiz Pasha
- Sh
raz H fiz
- The Hagoromo
- Edward Hake
- T. Gordon Hake
- Sarah Josepha Hale
- Judah HaLevi
- Ludovic Halévy
- Marquis of Halifax
- Joseph Hall
- Mrs. Louise B. Hall
- Arthur Henry Hallam
- Fitz-Greene Halleck
- James O. Halliwell-Phillipps (Dictionary)
- Charles Hallock
- Alexander Hamilton
- Anthony Hamilton
- Clayton Hamilton
- Ian Hamilton
- William Hamilton
- James Hammond
- Will N. Harben
- William Harbington
- Cyril Harcourt
- Thomas Hardy
- Julius Charles Hare
- William Wallace Harney
- Haroma
- Charles Harpur
- John Harrington
- Frank Harris
- Joel Chandler Harris
- Frederic Harrison
- Bret Harte
- Walter Harte
- Franz Hartman
- Richard Harvey
- James Haskins
- Thomas Hastings
- William Haughton
- Gerhart Hauptmann
- William Havard
- Stephen Hawes
- Robert Stephen Hawker
- Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Helen Hay
- John Hay
- Alfred Hayes
- Edna P. C. Hayes
- John R. Hayes
- Paul Hamilton Hayne
- William Carew Hazlitt (English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases)
- William Hazlitt
- Alfred Head
- Lafcadio Hearn
- Robert Heath
- Reginald Heber
- James Hedderwick
- Alice Caldwell Hegan
- Robert Hegge
- Herman Heijermans, Jr.
- Heinrich Heine
- Henry Helford
- Help to Discourse
- Arthur Helps
- Helvetius
- Charles Henderson
- William Ernest Henley
- Matthew Henry
- O. Henry
- Bishop Henshaw
- George Herbert
- W. R. Hereford
- Edward Heron-Allen
- Robert Herrick (American)
- Robert Herrick
- Henrik Hertz
- D. M. Hervey
- Thomas Kibble Hervey
- Hesiod
- Mary E. Hewitt
- Maurice Hewlett
- John Heywood
- Thomas Heywood
- Robert Hichens
- Emily H. Hickey
- Thomas Wentworth Higginson
- C. L. Hildreth
- Aaron Hill
- Adams S. Hill
- G. T. Hill
- George Birkbeck Hill
- Headon Hill
- James A. Hillhouse
- Katherine Tynan Hinkson
- Hipponax
- Alexander Hislop (Proverbs of Scotland)
- Hitopadesa
- Thomas Hobbes
- Samuel Hoffenstein
- Charles Fenno Hoffman
- Ernest Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann
- James Hogg
- Ludvig Holberg (1684–1754)
- William Hartley Holcombe
- Thomas Holcroft
- Josiah Gilbert Holland
- Lady Holland
- Daniel Henry Holmes
- Oliver Wendell Holmes
- F. Wyville Home
- John Home
- Homer (Pope)
- The Honest Lawyer, 1616
- Paxton Hood
- Thomas Hood
- Brian Hooker
- Thomas Hooker
- Anthony Hope
- Laurence Hope
- Gerard T. Hopkins
- Lemuel Hopkins
- Nora Hopper
- Horace
- Arthur Hornblow
- Richard Hengist Horne
- Ernest William Hornung
- Frank Horridge
- Alfred Edward Housman
- Laurence Housman
- Arsène Houssaye
- Richard Hovey
- William W. How
- Julia Ward Howe
- James Howell
- William Dean Howells
- Elbert Hubbard
- Edith M. Hudnall
- John Hughes
- Thomas Hughes
- Victor Hugo
- Alexander Hume
- David Hume
- James Huneker
- Leigh Hunt
- Mrs. James Hunter
- James Hurdis
- Bettina von Hutten
- Thomas H. Huxley
- Douglas Hyde (Love Songs of Connacht)
- Hymn to Time
- Henrik Ibsen
- John Imlah
- Jean Ingelow
- Robert G. Ingersoll
- Mrs. Richmond Inglis
- Irish
- Washington Irving
- William Irving
- Wallace Irwin
- Italian
- Jacke Drum’s Entertainment
- Isaac Jackman
- Helen Hunt Jackson
- W. W. Jacobs
- Richard Jago
- James the First
- G. P. R. James
- Henry James
- Mrs. Jameson
- J
- Thomas A. Janvier
- Jacques Jasmin
- Jayadeva
- Joseph Jefferson
- Francis Jeffrey
- Richard Jeffries
- Soame Jenyns
- Robert Jephson
- Jerome K. Jerome
- Douglas Jerrold
- Sarah Orne Jewett
- Dr. Samuel Johnson
- Philander Chase Johnson
- Robert U. Johnson
- Rossiter Johnson
- Virginia W. Johnson
- Mary Johnston
- Ebenezer Jones
- Edward C. Jones
- Henry Arthur Jones
- Sam Jones
- Sir William Jones
- Ben Jonson
- Joseph Joubert
- Philo Judæus
- Sylvester Judd
- Emily Chubbuck Judson
- L. Carroll Judson
- Mrs. Emily Chubbuck Judson
- Junius
- Jean Jules Jusserand
- Juvenal
- Kalidasa
- Jan Kalincák
- Kanuri Proverb
- Alphonse Karr
- George S. Kaufman
- C. F. Keary
- John Keats
- John Keble
- E. M. Kelly
- Hugh Kelly
- Frances Anne Kemble
- Henry C. Kendall
- Yohida Kenk

- James B. Kenyon
- John Kenyon
- Paul Kester
- Vaughan Kester
- Francis Scott Key
- Charles Joseph Kickham
- Alexander Kielland
- Thomas Killigrew
- Joyce Kilmer
- Harriet McEwen Kimball
- Grace King
- Harriet E. Hamilton King
- Henry King
- Thomas King
- William King
- Charles Kingsley
- Rudyard Kipling
- Eleanor Kirk
- Charles Kisfaludy
- Knacke to Knowe a Knave, A (1584)
- Knickerbocker Magazine
- Frederic Lawrence Knowles
- James Sheridan Knowles
- William Knox
- Louis Kossuth
- A. F. F. von Kotzebue
- Benjamin Kovner
- Sigmund Krasinski
- Jean de La Bruyère
- Jean B. H. Lacordaire
- Joseph B. Ladd
- Jean de La Fontaine
- David de La Gamme
- Alexander Laing
- Claude F. Lallemand
- Alphonse M. L. Lamartine
- Charles Lamb
- Friederich Heinrich Karl, Baron de La Motte-Fouqué
- William J. Lampton
- Annie E. Lancaster
- Letitia Elizabeth Landon
- Walter Savage Landor
- Andrew Lang
- Ernst Lange
- John Langhorne
- William Langland
- Sidney Lanier
- George P. Lathrop
- Hugh Latimer
- Johann Caspar Lavater
- Emily Lawless
- Lays of Ancient India