Frank J. Wilstach, comp. A Dictionary of Similes. 1916.
Author IndexGilbert Abbott À Beckett to Charles Dickens
- Gilbert Abbott À Beckett
- Edmond About
- Arthur Acheson
- Alexander Adam
- Franklin P. Adams
- John Adams
- Oscar Fay Adams
- Samuel Hopkins Adams
- Sarah Flower Adams
- Thomas Adams
- Joseph Addison
- George Ade
- Alvey A. Adee
- Gustavus Adolphus
- Æschylus
- Agesilaus
- Hamilton A
- Alfred Ainger
- William H. Ainsworth
- Thomas Aird
- Mark Akenside
- John Albee
- Niccolo Albizzi
- Alciphron
- Louisa M. Alcott
- Thomas Bailey Aldrich
- Cecil Frances Alexander
- Mrs. Cecil Frances Alexander
- William Alexander
- Jean Louis Alibert
- Richard Alison
- Grant Allen
- James Lane Allen
- William Allingham
- J. H. Bartlett’s Dictionary of Americanisms
- Fisher Ames
- Edmondo de Amicis
- Henri F. Amiel
- Amriolkais
- Anacharsis
- Anacreon
- Ancient Ballad of Hindustan
- Hans Christian Andersen
- D. R. Anderson
- Mary Louisa Anderson
- Eliza F. Andrews
- Miles P. Andrews
- Leonid Andreyev
- Aneurin
- Anonymous
- Romance of Antar
- Antisthenes
- John Antrobus
- Appius and Virginia
- Arabian Nights
- Arabian
- Arabic
- John Arbuthnot
- William Archer
- Ariosto
- Aristippus
- Aristophanes
- Aristotle
- Robert Armin
- G. F. S. Armstrong
- John Armstrong
- Edwin Arnold
- George Arnold
- Matthew Arnold
- Peter C. Asbjörnsen
- Roger Ascham
- Joseph Ashby-Sterry
- Thomas Ashe
- Ashmol MS. (15th Century)
- Asian
- Assyrian
- Astydamus, junior
- Edwin Atherstone
- D. A. Atterbom
- Harriet Auber
- Marguerite Audoux
- John H. Aughey
- Émile Augier
- Saint Augustine
- Marcus Aurelius
- Alfred Austin
- Henry W. Austin
- Mary Austin
- William Austin
- Alfred Ayres
- Sir Robert Ayton
- William E. Aytoun
- Francis Bacon
- George Vaux Bacon
- George W. Bagby
- Hermann Bahr
- Philip James Bailey
- Temple Bailey
- Joanna Baillie
- Miss A. E. Baker (Northamptonshire Glossary)
- Sir Samuel White Baker
- Alexander Balfour
- James Ballantine
- Hosea Ballou
- Honoré de Balzac
- George Bancroft
- John Banim
- A. L. Barbauld
- J. W. Barber
- John Barbour
- Alexander Barclay
- John Baret
- Richard Harris Barham
- George Barlow
- Jane Barlow
- Lady Barnard
- William F. Barnard
- J. M. Barrie
- Eugene Barry
- John D. Barry
- Mary Barry
- Seigneur du Bartas
- C. A. Bartol
- Bernard Barton
- William Bartram
- Arlo Bates
- Herbert Bates
- Robert C. Bates
- The Battle of Otterbourne
- Charles Pierre Baudelaire
- Rex Beach
- Earl of Beaconsfield
- Samuel Beal
- George Beattie
- James Beattie
- Mary A. Beauchamp
- Pierre Augustine Caron de Beaumarchais
- Beaumont and Fletcher
- Francis Beaumont
- Sir Harry Beaumont
- Sir John Beaumont
- Jules Q. de Beaurepaire
- Charlotte Becker
- Thomas Becon
- Gustavo A. Becquér
- Thomas Lovell Beddoes
- Bernard E. Bee
- Henry Ward Beecher
- Lyman Beecher
- Henry Charles Beeching
- Max Beerbohm
- A. H. Beesly
- Aphra Behn
- Charles D. Bell
- Hilary Bell
- R. H. Bell
- Robert Mowry Bell
- Stephen Vincent Benét
- Park Benjamin
- Arnold Bennett
- Sir William S. Bennett
- William Cox Bennett
- Arthur C. Benson
- Robert Hugh Benson
- Jeremy Bentham
- Beowulf
- Pierre Jean de Béranger
- Gottfried A. Bürger
- Saint Bernard
- Sir T. Bernard
- W. Bayle Bernard
- William B. Bernard
- Bhagavad-Gita
- Ambrose Bierce
- Heather Bigg
- Demetrios Bikelas
- Josh Billings
- John A. Bingham
- Henry B. Binns
- Laurence Binyon
- Bion
- Robert M. Bird
- George Bishop
- Björnstjerne Björnson
- William Black
- John Stuart Blackie
- Thomas Blacklock
- R. D. Blackmore
- J. H. Blackwood
- Robert Blair
- Mary E. Blake
- William Blake
- Laman Blanchard
- Samuel Laman Blanchard
- Lady Blessington
- Steen S. Blicher
- Mathilde Blind
- Louis James Block
- Gertrude Bloede
- Robert Bloomfield
- Edward Blunt
- Wilfred S. Blunt
- Boccaccio
- Bogart
- Matteo M. Boiardo
- Nicolas Boileau
- Boke of Mayd Emlyn
- George H. Boker
- Horatius Bonar
- Saint Bonaventura
- Edwin Booth
- Andrew Borde
- Jacques Bénigne Bossuet
- James Boswell
- Anne C. L. Botta
- Dion Boucicault
- Émile Bourgeois
- Paul Bourget
- Vincent Bourne
- C. N. Bovée
- Caroline Bowles
- G. S. Bowles
- Thomas Boyd
- Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen
- Robert Boyle
- Samuel Boyse
- Hugh H. Brackenridge
- Anne Bradstreet
- William Stanley Braithwaite
- Georg M. Brandes
- William Cowper Brann
- Robert Brathwaite
- Frederika Bremer
- John Brent
- Nicholas Breton
- Anthony Brewer
- Robert Bridges (American)
- Robert Bridges (English)
- Eugène Brieux
- Harold Brighouse
- John Bright
- George Broadhurst
- Alexander Brome
- George Bronson-Howard
- Anne Brontë
- Charlotte Brontë
- Emily Brontë
- Patrick Brontë
- Charlotte Brooke
- Henry Brooke
- Rupert Brooke
- Stopford A. Brooke
- Maria G. Brooks
- Phillips Brooks
- William Broome
- Alice W. Brotherton
- Robert B. Brough
- John Brougham
- Alexander Brown
- Katherine H. Brown
- O. M. Brown
- T. D. Brown
- Thomas E. Brown
- Tom Brown
- Francis. F. Browne
- M. A. Browne
- Sir Thomas Browne
- William Browne
- Henry H. Brownell
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning
- Robert Browning
- Michael Bruce
- William Cullen Bryant
- Viscount Bryce
- Thomas Brydson
- Robert Buchanan
- Charles N. Buck
- J. B. Buckstone
- Buddha
- Edward G. Buffum
- William Bullein
- Edward Bulwer-Lytton
- H. C. Bunner
- John Bunyan
- Robert J. Burdette
- Gelett Burgess
- Edmund Burke
- W. T. Burke
- W. H. Burleigh
- Frances Hodgson Burnett
- Robert Burns
- Elihu Burritt
- Ellen Burroughs
- John Burroughs
- R. H. Burton
- Robert Burton
- Benjamin F. Butler
- Frances Anne Butler
- Samuel Butler
- Samuel Butler (1835–1902)
- William Allen Butler
- Mary Frances Butts
- Charles Buxton
- William Byrd
- John Byrom
- Henry J. Byron
- Lord Byron
- Fernán Caballero
- Hall Caine
- John Caird
- Pedro Calderón de la Barca
- J. J. Callahan
- Charles Stuart Calverley
- William Camden (Remains Concerning Britain)
- Luiz Vaz de Camoëns
- Thomas Campbell
- William Wilfred Campbell
- George Canning
- William Canton
- Giosuè Carducci
- Thomas Carew
- Mathew Carey
- Will Carleton
- Thomas Carlyle
- Bliss Carman
- Sir James Carnegie
- William Carr (Dialect of Craven)
- Lewis Carroll
- William Cartwright
- Alice Cary
- Phœbe Cary
- Giovanni Battista Casti
- Agnes and Egerton Castle
- Cato
- Catullus
- Guido Cavalcanti
- Robert Cawdray (A Treasurie or Store-house of Similies, 1600)
- Madison Cawein
- James Cawthorn
- Sir Richard Cecil
- Mrs. Susannah Centlivre
- Miguel de Cervantes
- Chæremon
- Stephen Chalmers
- Robert Chambers
- Adelbert von Chamisso
- William Ellery Channing
- George Chapman
- Charles II
- Stephen Charnock
- P. de Charron
- René de François Chateaubriand
- Paul Chatfield
- Thomas Chatterton
- Geoffrey Chaucer
- Anton Chekhov
- John Vance Cheney
- Victor Cherbuliez
- Earl of Chesterfield
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
- Chinese Proverb
- Thomas Holley Chivers
- The Christmas Prince
- Saint Chrysostom
- Charles Churchill
- Thomas Churchyard
- Colley Cibber
- Cicero
- Henry A. Clapp
- John Clare
- Badger Clark
- James G. Clark
- W. G. Clark
- John Clarke (Phraseologia Puerilis)
- Herbert Edward Clarke
- Claudian
- Henry Clay
- Cleanthes
- Saint Clement
- Hugh Clifford
- Arthur Hugh Clough
- Ella D. Clymer
- Irvin S. Cobb
- Sir Edward Coke
- Hartley Coleridge
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
- Sara Coleridge
- Jeremy Collier
- Mortimer Collins
- Wilkie Collins
- William Collins
- Robert Collyer
- George Colman, the Elder
- George Colman, the Younger
- C. C. Colton
- Will Levington Comfort
- Helen G. Cone
- Confucius
- William Congreve
- Joseph Conrad
- Robert T. Conrad
- Hendrik Conscience
- Henry Constable
- Monçure D. Conway
- Eliza Cook
- Joseph Cook
- Grace MacGowan Cooke
- Rose T. Cooke
- William Cooke
- James Fenimore Cooper
- John Gilbert Cooper
- François Coppée
- Richard Corbet
- John Corbin
- Barry Cornwall
- Mrs. E. M. H. Cortissoz
- Thomas Coryate
- Charles Cotton
- Nathaniel Cotton
- Pierre de Coulevain
- Coventry Mysteries
- Frank Cowan (Dictionary of Sea Proverbs)
- Abraham Cowley
- William Cowper
- Sanford Cox
- Frederick S. Cozzens
- George Crabbe
- Isa Craig
- Stephen Crane
- William Crashaw
- F. Marion Crawford
- John Crawford
- Robert Crawford
- J. H. St. J. de Crèvecœur
- David Crockett
- George Croly
- T. W. H. Crosland
- Aleister Crowley
- Samuel Croxall
- Cuchulain
- Richard Cumberland
- Allan Cunningham
- John Cunningham
- John P. Curran
- George W. Curtis
- William E. Curtis
- Elizabeth B. Custer
- Richard Dabney
- Alan Dale
- Jean Le Rond D’Alembert
- Olof von Dalin
- Alexander R. C. Dallas
- Richard Henry Dana (1787–1879)
- Richard Henry Dana (1815–1882)
- Frank Danby
- Samuel Daniel
- Danish Proverb
- Gabriel D’Annunzio
- Dante
- Olive Tilford Dargan
- George Darley
- Agnes M. F. Darmesteter
- Charles R. Darwin
- Erasmus Darwin
- Alphonse Daudet
- Sir William Davenant
- Richard Davenport
- John Davidson
- John Davies
- Sir John Davies
- Thomas Davies
- Fannie Stearns Davis
- Richard Harding Davis
- Thomas Osborne Davis
- Rufus Dawes
- William J. Dawson
- Edward Parsons Day
- John Day
- Daniel Defoe
- John W. De Forest
- Thomas Dekker
- Margaret Deland
- Garcilaso de la Vega
- Michael Delevante
- Demophilus
- William De Morgan
- Demosthenes
- Alfred de Musset
- Sir John Denham
- M. A. Denham (Folk-lore North of England)
- John Dennis
- Chauncey M. Depew
- Thomas De Quincey
- Thomas Dermody
- Louis Desnoyers
- Lord De Tabley
- Aubrey De Vere
- Mary Ainge De Vere
- Dhammapada
- Charles Dibden, Jr.
- Charles Dickens