Frank J. Wilstach, comp. A Dictionary of Similes. 1916.
Shone like a glowworm’s head.
Shines like armor.
Shines like burnished metal.
Shines like fire in cat’s eye.
Shines like frost in the moonlight.
Shine like immortals.
Shone like the bristles of a blacking-brush.
Shines like the gleam of a sword.
Shone like the jetty down on the black hogs of Hassaqua.
Shone like polished ebony.
Shone like satin.
Shines like shot silk in the sunshine.
Shining like glowing flame.
Shine at all points like a constellation.
—Philip James Bailey
Shine like a diamond on a dead man’s hand.
—Philip James Bailey
Shine through them as live coals through ashes.
—Philip James Bailey
Shine as Phœbus doth in a May morning.
—Alexander Barclay
Shine like dragon’s scales.
—Beaumont and Fletcher
Shines like a newly lit flame.
—Josh Billings
Shone like a cherry by candle-light.
—R. D. Blackmore
She shines like the birch in the sunlight’s play.
—Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen
Shine like jet.
—Charlotte Brontë
Shone like flames blown in the wind.
—O. M. Brown
Like yealow flowres and grasse farre off, in one;
Or like the mixture nature doth display
Upon the quaint wings of the popinjay.
—William Browne
Shine like the sun in the firmament of heaven.
—John Bunyan
Shone as seraphs shine.
—Lord Byron
Shines like a phosphoric sea.
—Lord Byron
Shines like snow.
—Lord Byron
Shining like a bed of daffodils.
—Alice Cary
Shine like red buttons set on a holiday coat.
—Alice Cary
Shoon as the burned gold.
—Geoffrey Chaucer
Shine as brighte as sunne.
—Thomas Churchyard
Shining out like the gold that ’d been purged of its dross.
—Eliza Cook
Shine like gleams which sparkle in the crowns of kings barbaric.
—John Gilbert Cooper
Shine, like a veil before a holy shrine.
—Mrs. E. M. H. Cortissoz
Shine with such lustre as the tear that flows down Virtue’s manly cheek for other’s woes.
—Erasmus Darwin
Shine out like the spine of a frosty hill in the wintry sun.
—Aubrey De Vere
Shine out like flowering meads in spring.
—Aubrey De Vere
Shine like cherub’s cheeks.
—Charles Dickens
Stalks shine
Like the burnished spears of a field of gold.
—Paul Laurence Dunbar
Shines like a beau in a new birthday suit.
—Henry Fielding
Shining as a saint on a holy pyx.
—Gustave Flaubert
Shine in heav’n as bright
As doth the sun in his transcendent might.
—Giles Fletcher
Shine as bright as smiling day.
—Giles Fletcher
The winking buttons on the gown
Shone like the lamps of London Town.
—Norman Gale
On prince or bride no diamond stone
Half so gracious ever shone,
As the light of enterprise
Beaming from a young man’s eyes.
fiz (Emerson)
The wistful stars
Shine like good memories.
—William Ernest Henley
Shone like the evening star.
—Oliver Wendell Holmes
Shone like Jove’s own lightning.
—Homer (Pope)
Shone like an aureole round the head of some modern saint.
—Alfred Edward Housman
Their souls shine like living torches.
—James Huneker
Shone like the bubbling foam about a keel.
—John Keats
Shone like a friendly twinkling star.
—Frances Anne Kemble
Shining as the Alps, when that the sun
Gems their pale robes with diamonds.
—Frances Anne Kemble
The pile of fish … shone like a dump of fluid silver.
—Rudyard Kipling
A smouldering fire, shining like lamps through rents in sepulchres.
—Sigmund Krasinski
Shone like an illuminated letter.
—Richard Le Gallienne
Lakes … shining like polished mirrors.
—Charles James Lever
Shone beneath, as the fire shines through the ashes.
—George Henry Lewes
Shone like ocean’s snowy foam.
—John Leyden
Shine as immortal poems.
—Henry W. Longfellow
Shining like the Sunne in earth.
—John Lyly
Shone like Joshua’s sun.
—Gerald Massey
Shone like love’s eyes soft with tears.
—Joaquin Miller
Shone like a meteor, streaming to the wind.
—John Milton
Shine sweetly through the gloom,
Like glimpses of eternal day beyond the tomb.
—James Montgomery
Like golden ingots from a fairy mine.
—Thomas Moore
Shine like Nereïd’s hair.
—Thomas Moore
Shine like a goldsmith’s shop in Cheapside.
—Thomas Nabbes
Shine, like woodland flowers which paint the desert glades,
And waste their sweetness in unfrequented shades.
—Ambrose Philips
Shines like rotten wood.
—Sir Walter Raleigh
Gleam and shine
Like jewels in a stream of wine.
—James Whitcomb Riley
Shone like a keen Damascus blade.
—Clinton Scollard
As gloriously as the Venus of the sky.
—William Shakespeare
Shone like mountains in the morn.
—Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shine like obelisks of fire.
—Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shine like pyramids of fire.
—Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shone like the reflex of a thousand minds.
—Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shone like a sunbeam.
—William Sotheby
Shone like a single star, serene in a night of darkness.
—Robert Southey
Shone like silver in the sunshine.
—Robert Southey
Shone like the brook that o’er its pebbled course runs glittering gayly to the noontide sun.
—Robert Southey
Shone like the waves that glow around a midnight keel in liquid light.
—Robert Southey
Shyne as brightest skye.
—Edmund Spenser
Shone as heaven’s light.
—Edmund Spenser
Shined far away, like glancing light of Phœbus’ brightest ray.
—Edmund Spenser
Shone and shivered like wings of angels blown by the sun’s breath.
—Algernon Charles Swinburne
Shines as a cloud-constraining star.
—Algernon Charles Swinburne
Shone like a burning brand.
—Algernon Charles Swinburne
Shone like a drop of dew.
—Algernon Charles Swinburne
Shining like all April in one day.
—Algernon Charles Swinburne
Shining like a sunbeam-smitten tear.
—Algernon Charles Swinburne
Shone like the star that shines down storm.
—Algernon Charles Swinburne
Shine sweet like stars when darkness feels them strong.
—Algernon Charles Swinburne
Shone like suns aglow.
—Algernon Charles Swinburne
Shone like isles of tawny gold.
—Bayard Taylor
Like a sheathless sabre … shines.
—Bayard Taylor
Shines like fires in swamps.
—Alfred Tennyson
Shone as a wintry sun.
—Frederick Tennyson
Shine as the brightness of the firmament.
—Old Testament
Shone like silver threads in tangles blown.
—Maurice Thompson
Shone like the robe of a queen.
—Walter Thornbury
Shin’d like molten glass.
—Henry Vaughan
Shine like fairy flags unfurled.
—Theodore Watts-Dunton
Shines like burnished brass.
—Paul Wiggens
Shines as calmly as some distant star.
—Sarah Williams
Shine, eminent as a planet’s light.
—N. P. Willis