Frank J. Wilstach, comp. A Dictionary of Similes. 1916.
Your tongue is like a jaded nag. When the spurs prick its flanks it can only switch its tail.
—Leonid Andreyev
His tongue is like any kind of carriage, the less weight it bears, the faster and easier it goes.
—Samuel Butler
His tongue is like a Bagpipe Drone, that has no Stop, but makes a continual ugly Noise, as long as he can squeeze any Wind out of himself.
—Samuel Butler
Their tongue was like a mellow turret bell
To toll hearts burning into wide-lipped hell.
—Lord De Tabley
All tongue, like the lily.
His tongue, like the tail of Samson’s foxes, carries firebrands, and is enough to set the whole field of the world on a flame.
—Joseph Hall
The tongue of a louer should be like the poynt in the Diall, which though it go, none can see it going, or a young tree which though it growe, none can perceiue it growing, hauing alwayes the stone in their mouth which the Cranes vse when they flye ouer mountaines, least they make a noyse, but to be sylent, and lyghtly to esteeme of his Ladye, to shake hir off though he be secreat, to chaunge for euerything though he bewray nothing, is the onely thing that cutteth the heart in peeces of a true and constant louer, which deepely waying with my selfe, I preferred him that woulde neuer remoue, though he reueiled [reveal] all before him that woulde conceale all, and euer be slyding, thus wasting to [o] and fro, I appeale to you my good Violet, whether in loue be more required, secrecie, or constancy.
—John Lyly
Whose tongue, like the dart of death, spares neither sex nor age.
—Charles Macklin
A fool’s tongue is like the buye of an anchor, you will find his heart by it where soever it lyes.
—Sir Thomas Overbury
His tongue is like a biscuit-seller’s shovel—long tongued.
—Osmanli Proverb
Her tongue, which rosily
Peeped as a piercing bud between her lips.
—Dante Gabriel Rossetti
With tongue is like a sword’s point.
—Algernon Charles Swinburne
Thy tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully.
—Old Testament
Your tongue is like a scarlet snake that dances to fantastic tunes.
—Oscar Wilde