A tender word, a smile, sweet strain, pure rhyme, / Will give us blessed rest awhile, and let / Our souls for once their bitterness forget. |
—Oasis, ll. 12–14. |
Héloïse Durant |
American Sonnets
Selected and Edited by T. W. Higginson and E. H. Bigelow
A wide-ranging expertly selected 250 selections by 152 authors.
Oscar Fay Adams. 1855–1919. |
Indifference |
John Albee. 1833–1915. |
At the Grave of Champernowne |
Amos Bronson Alcott. 1799–1888. |
Immortality |
Thomas Bailey Aldrich. 1836–1907. |
At Fredericksburg |
“Enamored architect of airy rhyme” | |
“I vex me not with brooding on the years” | |
Sleep | |
Elizabeth Ann (Chase) (Akers) Allen. 1832–1911. |
Hughenden |
Washington Allston. 1779–1843. |
On a Falling Group in the Last Judgment of Michael Angelo |
Annie Rankin Annan. | Rydal Water |
Thomas Gold Appleton. 1812–1884. |
Pompeii |
Obadiah Cyrus Auringer. 1849–1937. |
The Untimely Singer |
A Day and a Friend | |
Julie (Wetherill) Baker. 1858– . |
A Day of Joy |
Arlo Bates. 1850–1918. |
Sonnets in Shadow (IX.) |
Sonnets in Shadow (XVIII.) | |
Peter Bayley, Jr.. 1778?–1823. |
On Hearing an Eolian Harp |
Henry Augustin Beers. 1847–1926. |
Waiting for Winter |
Tò Pân | |
Park Benjamin. 1809–1864. |
New York Harbor on a Calm Day |
James Berry Bensel. 1856–1886. |
A Portrait |
A Wedding Sonnet | |
George Washington Bethune. 1805–1862. |
On a Picture of the Magdalene Asleep |
Melville Madison Bigelow. 1846–1921. |
The Sun |
Two Days | |
William Hunter Birckhead. | Not Forever |
Life’s Dreams | |
Gertrude Bloede (“Stuart Sterne”). 1845–1905. |
“From out eternal stillness do we come” |
George Henry Boker. 1823–1890. |
“Brave comrade, answer!” |
To England | |
Anna Charlotte (Lynch) Botta. 1815–1891. |
Longing |
Richard Rogers Bowker. 1848–1933. |
Thomas à Kempis; De Imitatione Christi |
Hjalmar Hjorth Boyeson. 1848–1895. |
Evolution |
The Air | |
Julia Boynton. | Divided |
Louise Brooks. | May |
July | |
September, 1889 | |
William Cullen Bryant. 1794–1878. |
November |
October | |
William Tell | |
Henry Cuyler Bunner. 1855–1896. |
Farewell to Salvini |
George Shepard Burleigh. 1821–1903. |
Seaconnet at Midnight |
An Ocean Sunrise | |
John White Chadwick. 1840–1904. |
Crow’s Nest |
Carpe Diem | |
William Ellery Channing. 1818–1901. |
“The day has past” |
“Hearts of eternity” | |
John Vance Cheney. 1848–1922. |
Music |
Thomas Stephens Collier. 1842–1893. |
Incarnation |
Helen Gray Cone. 1859–1934. |
The Passing of the Year |
Ina Donna Coolbrith. 1841–1928. |
Beside the Dead |
Sylvia Lawson Covey. | At Dawn |
Ralph Adams Cram. 1863–1942. |
Last Light |
Christopher Pearse Cranch. 1813–1892. |
Life and Death (I.) |
Life and Death (II.) | |
Robert Browning | |
Charles Henry Crandall. 1858–1923. |
Waiting |
Ellen Dean. | On Hearing Hoffman’s Melusina |
Mary Mapes Dodge. 1831–1905. |
The Human Tie |
Over the World | |
Julia Caroline (Ripley) Dorr. 1825–1913. |
To-day |
Remembrance | |
Héloïse Durant. | Dante’s Mask |
Oasis | |
Louis Dyer. 1851–1908. |
Lines to a Friend |
Maurice Francis Egan. 1852–1924. |
Of Flowers |
Theocritus | |
Edgar Fawcett. 1847–1904. |
Two Phases |
Crowns | |
The Hours | |
A Tiger-Lily | |
Caroline Wilder Fellowes. | A Volume of Dante |
David Skaats Foster. 1852–1920. |
The Cricket |
William Prescott Foster. 1856– . |
A Child’s Grave |
Wendell Phillips Garrison. 1840–1907. |
Evening |
Freedom of the Mind | |
William Gibson. 1826–1887. |
On an Etruscan Tomb |
Genoa | |
Richard Watson Gilder. 1844–1909. |
The Celestial Passion |
“My songs are all of thee” | |
On the Life-Mask of Abraham Lincoln | |
The Sonnet | |
Elaine Goodale Eastman. 1863–1953. |
Baby |
Mother | |
Bessie Gray. 1854–1925. |
Venice |
Louise Imogen Guiney. 1861–1920. |
Among the Flags |
Knight Falstaff | |
Henry Hamilton. 1840–1916. |
The Poet’s Praise |
Paul Hamilton Hayne. 1830–1886. |
Cloud Fantasies |
Freshness of Poetic Perception | |
A Comparison | |
William James Henderson. 1855–1937. |
Eve |
Mary Potter Thacher Higginson. 1844–1941. |
The Playmate Hours |
Thomas Wentworth Higginson. 1823–1911. |
Sonnet to Duty |
Sub Pondere Crescit | |
The Snowing of the Pines | |
“Since Cleopatra died” | |
Charles Lotin Hildreth. 1858?–1896. |
Memory |
Warren Holden. 1817–1903. |
The Violin |
Josiah Gilbert Holland. 1819–1881. |
Two Homes |
Oliver Wendell Holmes. 1809–1894. |
Nearing the Snow-Line |
1643 “Veritas” 1878 | |
To J. G. Whittier on His Eightieth Birthday | |
Louisa Parsons (Stone) Hopkins. 1834–1895. |
The Boulder |
George Washington Wright Houghton. 1850–1891. |
Columbus |
Henry Raymond Howland. 1844–1930. |
Snow Born |
Mary (Clemmer) (Ames) Hudson. 1839–1884. |
Distance |
Helen Maria (Fiske) (Hunt) Jackson. 1830–1885. |
Burnt Ships |
October | |
Thought | |
Ariadne’s Farewell | |
Lucia (White) Jennison (“Owen Innsley”). 1850– . |
Titles |
Bondage | |
Her Roses | |
At Sea | |
Sophie Jewett (“Ellen Burroughs”). 1861–1909. |
A Friendship |
Robert Underwood Johnson. 1853–1937. |
On Nearing Washington |
Charles de Kay. 1848–1935. |
Under Brooklyn Bridge |
James Benjamin Kenyon. 1858–1924. |
Rizpah |
Elizabeth Clementine (Dodge) (Stedman) Kinney. 1810–1889. |
April |
Albert Laighton. 1829–1887. |
Trailing Arbutus |
Sidney Lanier. 1842–1881. |
The Mocking Bird |
An Frau Nannette Falk-Auerbach | |
To Nannette Falk-Auerbach | |
The Harlequin of Dreams | |
Lucy Larcom. 1824–1893. |
“They said” |
Wilbur Larremore. 1855–1918. |
Emerson |
George Parsons Lathrop. 1851–1898. |
The Lover’s Year |
“O wholesome Death” | |
William Cranston Lawton. 1853–1941. |
My Fatherland (I.) |
My Fatherland (II.) | |
Emma Lazarus. 1849–1887. |
Symphonic Studies: Prelude |
Symphonic Studies: Epilogue | |
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 1807–1882. |
Divina Commedia |
A Shadow | |
The Two Rivers | |
The Cross of Snow | |
William Sinclair Lord. 1863–1925. |
Recompense |
James Russell Lowell. 1819–1891. |
To the Spirit of Keats |
To a Friend | |
The Maple | |
To a Lady Playing on the Cithern | |
Maria (White) Lowell. 1821–1853. |
To ——. “I love thee—not because thy love for me” |
To ——. “I love thee for thyself,—thyself alone” | |
Charles Henry Lüders. 1858–1891. |
The Haunts of the Halcyon |
George Lunt. 1803–1885. |
Milton |
Adeline Treadwell (Parsons) Lunt. | In Ecclesia |
Frances Laughton Mace. 1836–1899. |
The Succession |
Thy Song | |
Charles Edwin Markham. 1852–1940. |
The Last Furrow |
After Reading Shakspeare | |
The Cricket | |
Sewing the Shroud | |
Juliet C. Marsh. | The Pines’ Thought |
Mary Augusta Mason. | On the Mountain |
George McKnight. 1840–1897. |
Memento Mori |
The Birth of Sorrow | |
Partial Readings | |
Langdon Elwyn Mitchell. 1862–1935. |
Decoration Day |
Harriet Monroe. 1860–1936. |
With a Copy of Shelley |
Jessie (Goodwin) Moore. | Snow Sonnet |
James Herbert Morse. 1841– . |
Brook Song |
Louise (Chandler) Moulton. 1835–1908. |
The Cup of Death |
Hic Jacet | |
A Parable | |
Robert Browning | |
James Ernest Nesmith. 1856–1898. |
A Summer Tempest |
Sarah Margaret (Fuller) Ossoli. 1810–1850. |
Beethoven |
Theodore Parker. 1810–1860. |
The Way, the Truth, the Life |
James Gates Percival. 1795–1856. |
Acrostic Sonnet: Emilie Marshall |
Carlotta Perry. 1839–1914. |
Love’s Meaning |
Eternal | |
Lilla (Cabot) Perry. | “I will not wish all grief and loss and fears” |
Switzerland | |
On Millet’s Picture of Two Women Sewing by Lamplight | |
John James Piatt. 1835–1917. |
My Shadow’s Stature |
A Book of Gold | |
The Young State | |
Henry Pickering. 1781–1838. |
To the Night Blooming Cereus |
Edgar Allan Poe. 1809–1849. |
Silence |
To Science | |
Margaret (Junkin) Preston. 1820–1897. |
At St. Oswald’s |
Flood-Tide | |
Lizette Woodworth Reese. 1856–1935. |
Daffodils |
Anna (Matlack) Richards. 1835–1900. |
“I, who am young” |
James Riley. | The Whippoorwill |
James Whitcomb Riley. 1849–1916. |
Time |
“When she comes home” | |
Anna Katherine (Green) Rohlfs. 1846–1935. |
In Farewell |
Alice Marland (Wellington) Rollins. 1847–1897. |
Experience |
Thought | |
Henry Shelton Sanford, Jr. 1865–1891. |
The Flight of Joy |
Minot Judson Savage. 1841–1918. |
Infidelity |
John Godfrey Saxe. 1816–1887. |
Parting |
Andrew Bice Saxton. | The Invisible Land |
The Overflowing Cup | |
Clinton Scollard. 1860–1932. |
A Pearl |
Wheat | |
The Arctic Circe | |
Frank Dempster Sherman. 1860–1916. |
Perpetuity |
Re-awakening | |
Edward Rowland Sill. 1841–1887. |
To a Face at a Concert |
William Gilmore Simms. 1806–1870. |
Solace of the Woods |
May Riley Smith. 1842?–1927. |
Trust |
Susan Marr Spaulding. | Dear Hands |
Eliza Allen Starr. 1824–1901. |
Hepaticas on Palm-Sunday |
The Sea Gull | |
Edmund Clarence Stedman. 1833–1908. |
The Swallow |
Whittier’s Eightieth Birthday | |
Julia Noyes Stickney. 1830– . |
Murillo |
Richard Henry Stoddard. 1825–1903. |
Florence Nightingale |
William Wetmore Story. 1819–1895. |
Clytie |
“After long days of dull perpetual rain” | |
William Struthers. | In Winter |
Bayard Taylor. 1825–1878. |
Nubia |
“The soul goes forth and finds no resting place” | |
Celia (Laighton) Thaxter. 1835–1894. |
“As happy dwellers by the sea-side hear” |
Edith Matilda Thomas. 1854–1925. |
The Fountains of the Rain |
Frost | |
Solitude | |
On the Sonnet | |
Maurice Thompson. 1844–1901. |
On a Garden Statue of Persephone |
A Green Heron | |
Henry Timrod. 1828–1867. |
“I scarcely grieve, O Nature! at the lot” |
Lewis Frank Tooker. 1855–1925. |
Indian Summer |
Mary Ashley (van Voorhis) Townsend. 1832–1832. |
The Wind |
Robertson Trowbridge. | Symphony |
Henry Theodore Tuckerman. 1813–1871. |
The Indian Summer |
William Bartlett Tyler. | Recollection |
Jones Very. 1813–1880. |
Love |
Nature | |
The Wind-Flower | |
He Was Acquainted with Grief | |
David Atwood Wasson. 1823–1887. |
Love against Love |
Pride | |
Daniel Webster. 1782–1852. |
The Memory of the Heart |
Edith Wharton. 1862–1937. |
Euryalus |
Sarah Helen (Power) Whitman. 1803–1878. |
To Edgar Allan Poe: “When first I looked” |
To Edgar Allan Poe: “If thy sad heart” | |
Ernest Whitney. 1858–1893. |
A Drop of Ink |
John Greenleaf Whittier. 1807–1892. |
Requital |
Forgiveness | |
Richard Henry Wilde. 1789–1847. |
To the Mocking-Bird |
Nathaniel Parker Willis. 1806–1867. |
Acrostic: Emilie Marshall |
Robert Burns Wilson. 1850–1916. |
The Snow-Flake |
To Robert Louis Stevenson | |
George Edward Woodberry. 1855–1930. |
At Gibraltar (I.) |
At Gibraltar (II.) | |
Sarah (Channing) Woolsey (“Susan Coolidge”). 1835–1905. |
Of Such As I Have |