Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
DiellaSonnet V. The little Archer viewing well my Love
Richard Linche (fl. 15961601)T
stone-still amazed, admirèd such a sight;
And swore he knew none such to dwell above:
though many fair; none, so conspicuous bright!
With that enraged, flamigerous as he is,
he now ’gan loathe his P
And swore great oaths, “to rob me of my bliss,”
saying that “earth for her, was too too base!”
But C
commanding him to bring no giglet thither!
Fearing indeed, her amorous sports were done
with hotspur M
If then her beauty move the gods above;
Let all men judge, if I have cause to love!