Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
CliaSonnet XX. Receive these writs, my sweet and dearest Friend!
William Percy (15751648)R
The lively patterns of my lifeless body;
Where thou shalt find in ebon pictures penned,
How I was meek, but thou extremely bloody!
I’ll walk forlorn along the willow shades,
Alone, complaining of a ruthless Dame:
Where’er I pass, the rocks, the hills, the glades,
In piteous yells shall sound her cruel name!
There will I wail the lot that Fortune sent me,
And make my moans unto the savage ears!
The remnant of the days which Nature lent me;
I’ll spend them all, concealed, in ceaseless tears!
Since unkind Fates permit me not t’enjoy her;
No more, burst eyes! I mean for to annoy her!
F I N I S.