Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
ChlorisSonnet XXXVII. Each beast in field doth wish the morning light
William Smith (fl. 1596)E
The birds to H
The wanton kids, well fed, rejoice in night;
Being likewise glad when day begins to spring.
But night, nor day, are welcome unto me:
Both can bear witness of my lamentation.
All day, sad sighing C
All night he spends in tears and exclamation.
Thus still I live, although I take no rest;
But living look as one that is a dying:
Thus my sad soul, with care and grief opprest,
Seems as a ghost to Styx and Lethe flying.
Thus hath fond love bereft my youthful years
Of all good hap, before old age appears.