
Home  »  Elizabethan Sonnets  »  XV. Thou stranger, who with wand’ring steps dost wend

Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.

Laura—Part I

XV. Thou stranger, who with wand’ring steps dost wend

Robert Tofte (1561–1620)

THOU stranger, who with wand’ring steps dost wend,

Thy gazing eyes turn quickly unto me!

And to my speech, with list’ning ear attend!

In whom four Elements united be.

Mark well; and, as a wonder, tell the same

Of CUPID’s force! poor Lovers’ TAMBURLAINE!

First this my body ’s Earth, and earth most cold.

The Fire within my heart, in covert lies.

The Air ’s my sighs. Mine eyes do Waters hold.

Thus for my Saint, he doth me martyrize.

Earth is my body; (Strange seems not this same?)

The Air, my sighs; eyes, Water; heart, the Flame.