Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
LauraPart IXVII. Rocked in a cradle, like as infants be
Robert Tofte (15611620)R
When I was young, a little wanton child,
Two dainty dugs did nourish life in me;
Whilst oft on them, with teat in mouth, I smiled.
Ah, happy I! thrice happy, might I say;
Whilst in that harmless state I then did stay.
But now that I am come to man’s estate;
Such dugs as nursed me in delight and joy
Do seek my death, by poisonous sugared bait;
Whose sight, without possession, breeds me ’noy.
So what, in childhood, causèd me to live;
Now, in my youth, doth death unto me give.