Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
LauraPart IIXXXIX. Th immortal Parcæ, fatal Sisters three
Robert Tofte (15611620)T
Of mortal men, do sing the shunless fate:
What once Was, what Is now, and what Shall Be;
Their life, their death, their fortune, and their state.
Our Song let be like theirs! for Three they were;
And so our number is. Three are we here.
Sing L
Of dreary fortune mine, sing let us all!
Let ’s sing in doleful tune most mournfully,
How ’Tis, how ’Twas, and hapless still Shall fall;
The Present, Past, and (which none can mend)
What Shall Be, world to come, withouten end.