John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.
Stars, when, illume the sky, 597. which night’s blue arch adorn, 424. who build beneath the, 309. whose dust is gold and pavement, 236. |
Star-chamber matter of it, 44. |
Stare, stony British, 677. |
Starers, stupid, 319. |
Star-eyed science, 513. |
Star-gemmed, ruby-rimmed beryline buckets, 635. |
Starlight, by cloudless, 522. glittering, 234. of heaven above us, 714. |
Star-like eyes, 200. |
Star-proof branching elm, 250. |
Starriest souls disclose, lives obscure the, 38. |
Starry bath, 821. cope of heaven, 234. dome, in this world with, 841. dreaming, work grows fair through, 761. Galileo with his woes, 545. girdle of the year, 513. host, that led the, 233. skies and cloudless climes, 551. sky, silence in the, 478. sky, under the wide and, 830. train, heaven’s, 233. train, motion of his, 485. tree eternity, 816. |
Star-spangled banner, 517. |
Start a hare, to, 84. of the majestic world, 110. straining upon the, 91. |
Starts everything by, and nothing long, 268. ’t was wild by, 390. |
Started like a guilty thing, 126. |
Startles at destruction, 298. |
Startling genius, he had a, 839. possibilities, a world of, 826. |
Starve, catch cold and, 159. he’d, before he stole, 853. in ice, 228. with nothing, 60. |
Starved for heaven, 811. |
Star-y-pointing pyramid, 251. |
State, broken with the storms of, 100. certain guests of, 775. expectancy and rose of the, 136. falling with a falling, 336. for every star, 687. great interests of the, 579. great plot of, 263. hides from himself his, 365. high and palmy, of Rome, 126. high on a throne of royal, 226. House, Boston, 692. I am the, 1000. in Rome, devil to keep his, 110. in sober, 425. in whatsoever, I am, 847. man at his best, 1012. matters, touch no, 398. mock the air with idle, 383. naught in world or church or, 738. |
State, my business in this, 49. of life, duty in that, 1042. of man like a little kingdom, 111. of man, this is the, 99. of nature, war was the, 407. of war by nature, 290. pillar of, seemed a, 227. ruin or rule the, 267. sail on O ship of, 641. scandal waits on greatest, 161. ship of, to harbor sweep, 739. some service, I have done the, 156. some strange eruption to our, 126. star for every, 687. statesmen who pulled ruin on the, 659. the rose of the fair, 136. thousand years to form a, 541. what constitutes a, 438. when the sun in all its, 758. where Venice sate in, 544. without king or nobles, 598. |
States dissevered discordant, 533. free and independent, 429. grandeur of these, their religion, 742. indestructible, 652. move slowly, 170. no more slave, 652. saved without the sword, 631. shaker of o’er-rank, 199. unborn, acted over in, 112. walls do not make, 438. |
State’s collected will, 438. decrees, mould a mighty, 675. |
Stateliest and most regal argument, 254. |
Stately and tall he moves, 868. battles, the flag of our, 748. homes of England, 569. kindly lordly friend, 806. mansions, build thee more, 690. pleasure-dome, 500. ship is seen no more, 810. |
Statesman and buffoon, 268. to give an account of themselves, 927. too nice for a, 399. yet friend to truth, 323. |
Statesmanship to strike too soon, in, 684. |
Statesmen at her council met, 665. minds of some of our, 518. talked, where village, 397. who pulled ruin on the state, 659. |
Station like the herald Mercury, 140. post of honour is a private, 298. |
Stations, abide and work in our, 727. |
Statists hold it baseness to write fair, 145. |
Statuaries loved to copy, 590. |
Statue by his touch grew into youth, 531. grows, more the, 955. of Cato, 927. of Newton stood, where the, 475. that enchants the world, 356. |
Statues, the world blooms with, 792. |
Statue-like repose, 694. |