English Poetry I: From Chaucer to Gray.
The Harvard Classics. 1909–14.
Traditional Ballads
13. The Twa Corbies
I heard two corbies making a mane;
The tane unto the t’ other say,
“Where sall we gang and dine to-day?”
I wot there lies a new slain knight;
And naebody kens that he lies there,
But his hawk, his hound, and lady fair.
His hawk to fetch the wild-fowl hame,
His lady’s ta’en another mate,
So we may mak our dinner sweet.
And I’ll pike out his bonny blue een;
Wi ae lock o his gowden hair
We’ll theek our nest when it grows bare.
But nane sall ken where he is gane;
Oer his white banes when they are bare,
The wind sall blaw for evermair.”