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C.D. Warner, et al., comp.
The Library of the World’s Best Literature. An Anthology in Thirty Volumes. 1917.

Anaxagoras (500?–428 B.C.)

Anaxagoras (an-aks-ag’ō-ras). A famous Greek philosopher of the Ionic school; born at Clazomenæ, 500? B.C.; died in 428 B.C. He explained eclipses and advanced physical science. In philosophy, he taught that the universe is regulated by an eternal self-existent and infinitely powerful principle, called by him mind; matter he seems to have asserted to be eternal, what is called generation and destruction being merely the temporary union and separation of ever existing elements; he disproved the doctrine that things may have arisen by chance. Fragments of his ‘Treatise on Nature’ are still in existence.