Harriet Monroe, ed. (1860–1936). The New Poetry: An Anthology. 1917.
Hill SpeechEmmy Veronica Sanders
At nightfall.
And to vehement words
Jagged and bitten into the sky face.
I saw hieroglyphs scrawled on a pale wall of sky
With fingers of granite.
There was motion gripping the masses
Urging and waving
I heard cadences of hill speech
Falling and rising
With soothing interference.
Standing aloof and detached
Saying “I” and “I” and “I,”
Answering “No” and “No” and “No”—
To the biting words and to the flowing line speech,
And to the hieroglyphs scrawled with fingers of granite.
Saying “No”
To the dull gray abysses
Of sky and of sea—
Saying “No”
To the masses….