For there be women, fair as she, / Whose verbs and nouns do more agree. |
—Mrs. Judge Jenkins. |
Francis Bret Harte |
Francis Bret Harte
Title: Francis Bret Harte
Author: Harte, Francis Bret
For there be women, fair as she, / Whose verbs and nouns do more agree. |
—Mrs. Judge Jenkins. |
Francis Bret Harte |
Title: Francis Bret Harte
Author: Harte, Francis Bret
The Luck of Roaring Camp, The Outcasts of Poker Flat & The Idyl of Red Gulch
From the Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction, Vol. X, Part 4. Tennessee’s Partner
From Matthew’s anthology The Short-Story. Bartlett’s Harte Quotations
Epitomal selections by John Bartlett.
Chiquita; Dow’s Flat; Jim; Plain Language from Truthful James; Society upon the Stanislaus; What the Bullet sang; What the Engines Said