Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989.
Author Index: Aboth to Chateaubriand
Aboth, 1673, 2022 |
Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, Lord (1834–1902), 1443–1444, 1668 |
Adams, Abigail (1744–1818) letter to John Adams, 2010 letters from John Adams, 44, 392, 481, 896, 1462, 1581 |
Adams, Henry Brooks (1838–1918), 287, 297, 1409 |
Adams, James Truslow (1878–1949), 43, 1018 |
Adams, John (1735–1826), 259 (character in musical play, 1776), 273, 991, 1669 letter from Abigail Adams, 2010 letters to: Adams, Abigail, 44, 392, 481, 896, 1462, 1581 Jefferson, Thomas, 1200, 1619 McKean, Thomas, 1620 Taylor, John, 413 |
Adams, John Quincy (1767–1848), 613, 876, 1710 |
Adams, Samuel (1722–1803), 1621 letter from Arthur Lee, 1067 |
Addison, Joseph (1672–1719), 1304 |
AE (pseudonym of George William Russell). See Russell, George William. |
Aeschylus (525–456 B.C.), 945, 1864, 1995, 2083 |
Aesop (fl. c. 550 B.C.), 1859 |
Agathon (c. 445–400 B.C.), 1291 |
Agnew, Spiro Theodore (1918–1996), 153–154, 441, 1042, 1330, 1389, 1553, 1876 |
Aiken, George (1892–1984), 888 |
Alcoholics Anonymous, 1472 |
Alderman, Edwin Anderson (1861–1931), 238 |
Alexander II, Czar of Russia (1818–1881), 1698 |
Alfange, Dean (1900– ), 71 |
Alger, Horatio, Jr. (1834–1899), 1215 |
Allen, George Edward (1896–1973), 1410 |
Ambrose, Saint (340?–397), 1690 |
Amery, Leopold (1873–1955), quoting Thomas Carlyle, 1035 |
Ames, Fisher (1758–1808), 279 |
Amiel, Henri Frédéric (1821–1881), 1289 |
Anderson, John B. (1922– ), 1411 |
Anderson, Maxwell (1888–1959), 814, 1045 |
Anstruther, Joyce. See Struther, Jan. |
Appleton, Thomas Gold (1812–1884), 75 |
Aquinas, Saint Thomas (1225–1274), 1909 |
Arbuthnot, John (1667–1735), 992 |
Aristotle, (384–322 B.C.), 209, 482, 567, 1291, 1390, 1996 |
Armstrong, Neil Alden (1930– ), 1737–1738 |
Arouet, François-Marie. See Voltaire. |
Asch, Sholem (1880–1957), 1750 |
Ashurst Henry Fountain (1874–1962), 298, 1391 |
Astor, Nancy Witcher (Langhorne) (1879–1964), 2004 |
Atatürk, Kemal. See Kemal Atatürk. |
The Atlanta Journal, slogan, 1244 |
Attlee, Clement Richard, 1st Earl Attlee and Viscount Prestwood (1883–1967), 1966 |
Auden, Wystan Hugh (1907–1973), 1856 |
Augustine, Saint (354–430), 946, 1869 |
Aurelius. See Marcus Aurelius. |
Author Unknown |
Arabian proverb, 1682 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament slogan, 128 Chinese proverb, 484 Danish proverb, 835 Fisherman’s prayer, 1479 Jesuit maxim, 199 Napoleon Anecdotes, 1559 on Action, 14 on Alcohol, 38 on America, 70 on Architecture, 94 on Children, 200 on China, 203–204 on Citizenship, 217 on Committees, 241 on Congress, 277–278 on Democracy, 426 on Doing Good, 453 on Doomsday, 455–456 on Education, 484 on Experience, 577 on Facts, 585 on Flying, 604 on Guilt, 835, 837 on Happiness, 844 on Heroin, 852 on Jesus Christ, 921 on Last Words, 990 on Leadership, 1025 on Mortality, 1224 on Nation, 1238 on North Carolina, 1253 on People, 1347 on Perseverance, 1358 on Politics, 1432 on Prayers, 1477–1480 on Presidency, 1519 on Public Opinion, 1559 on Self-Pity, 1682 on Soldiers, 1727 on Success, 1786 on Voters and Voting, 1908 on War, 1954 on War and Peace, 1966 on Water, 1978 on Women, 2012 See also under Inscriptions; Poems in Keyword and Subject Index |
Author unknown (attributed to): Attlee, Clement Richard, 1966 Bard of Cincinnati, 31 Briand, Aristide, 1954 Carman, Bliss, 585 Clemenceau, Georges, 1954 Disraeli, Benjamin, 1238 García Lorca, 14 Heinlein, Robert, 1432 Japanese philosopher (19th century), 1025 Jefferson, Thomas, 426 Kansas farmer, 1519 Lawrence, James, 990 MacLeish, Archibald, 1966 Marie Antoinette, 1347 Maxe, Bob, 1978 Perry, Oliver Hazard, 990 Philip II, King of Macedon, 1224 Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de, 1954 Thoreau, Henry David, 1786 U.S. Army Major, on Vietnam conflict, 1888 Veteran Virginia Democrat, 1408 Weller, Charles E., 1388 Westover, Jonathan, 391 |
Aycock, Charles B. (1859–1912), 515 |
Bacon, Francis (1561–1626), 815, 1163, 1955, 1997, 2084 quoting Virgil, 1176 |
Bailey, Joseph Weldon (1863–1929), 1392 |
Baillie, Joanna (1762–1851), 353 |
Balzac, Honoré de (1799–1850), 706 |
Bard of Cincinnati, 31 |
Barère de Vieuzac, Bertrand (1755–1841), 1065 |
Barkley, Alben William (1877–1956), 699, 1897 |
Barnum, Phineas Taylor (1810–1891), 609 |
Barrie, Sir James Matthew (1860–1937), 988, 2023, 2085 |
Barrow, Joseph Louis. See Louis, Joe. |
Barry, William Taylor (1785–1835), letter from James Madison, 496–497, 969 |
Barton, B. S., letter from Thomas Jefferson, 617 |
Barton, Bruce (1886–1957), 379 |
Baruch, Bernard Mannes (1870–1965), 233, 696, 1262 |
Basil, Saint, bishop of Caesarea (c. 330–379), 89 |
Bastiat, Claude-Frédéric (1801–1850), 993 |
Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant (1818–1893), letter from Thomas Jefferson, 1307 |
Beecher, Henry Ward (1813–1887), 994, 1111, 1241 |
Beers, Henry A. (1847–1926), 1574 |
Bellamy, Francis (1856–1931), 1363 |
Belloc, Hilaire (1870–1953), 682 |
Benét, Stephen Vincent (1898–1943), 1463, 1542, 1848 |
Ben-Gurion, David (1886–1973), 912 |
Bentinck, William, 1st Earl of Portland (1649–1709), letter from Duke of Wellington, 757 |
Benton, Thomas Hart (1782–1858), 304 |
Berryman, Clifford K. (1869–1949), 1910 |
Besier, Rudolf (1878–1942), 2074 |
Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald Theodor Friedrich Alfred von (1856–1921), 1349 |
Bevan, Aneurin (1897–1960), 1714 |
Bhagavad Gita, 123, 1751 |
The Bible Amos, 931 Deuteronomy, 1112 Ecclesiastes, 456, 591, 1301, 1810 Exodus, 1804 Genesis, 1152 Isaiah, 1956 Jeremiah, 1061, 1316 Leviticus, 1046 Luke, 635, 662, 1315 Mark, 1851 Matthew, 102, 592, 605, 2087 Micah, 947 Proverbs, 835, 1331 Psalms: (16), 1827; (84), 669; (118), 91; (127), 662; (133), 1860; (139), 548 Romans, 516 II Thessalonians, 450 The Bible (Apocrypha) Ecclesiasticus, 995 I Maccabees, 402 |
Bierce, Ambrose (1842–c. 1914), 437, 1306, 1393, 1412, 1485, 1898 |
Billings, Josh (pseudonym of Henry Wheeler Shaw, 1818–1885), 966, 1266 |
Bismarck, Otto von (1815–1898), 122, 996, 1413–1414 |
Bixby, Lydia, letter from Abraham Lincoln, 370 |
Black, Hugo LaFayette (1886–1971), 214 |
Black, Jeremiah Sullivan (1810–1883), 506 |
Blackstone, Sir William (1723–1780), 788, 953, 997, 1643 |
Blair, Eric. See Orwell, George. |
Blair, Hugh (1718–1800), 1290 |
Blake, Eugene Carson (1906–1985), 1877 |
Blake, William (1757–1827), 196, 1464 |
Blanshard, Paul (1892– ), 1711 |
Bloch, Jan Gotlib. See Bloch, Jean de. |
Bloch, Jean de (1836–1902), 1957 |
Block, Herbert (1909–2001), 811 |
Boggs, Thomas Hale (1914–1972), quoting Fisher Ames, 279 |
Bolívar, Simón (1783–1830), 1047 |
Bolt, Robert (1924–1995), 434, 998, 1764 |
Borah, William Edgar (1865–1940), 72, 671 |
Börne, Karl Ludwig (1786–1837), 885 |
Bornier, Henri de (1825–1901), 343 |
Bovee, C. Nestell (1820–1904), 2011 |
Bowman, C. E., 2012 |
Bradlaugh, Charles (1833–1891), 672 |
Bradley, Omar N. (1893–1981), 1967 |
Bramwell, Sir George William Wilshire Bramwell, Baron (1808–1892), 1263 |
Brandeis, Louis Dembitz (1856–1941), 137, 707, 789, 793, 1048–1049, 1572, 1755 |
Brennan, William J., Jr. (1906–1997), 1261 |
Breslin, Jimmy (1929– ), 1415 |
Brewer, David Josiah (1837–1910), 1014 |
Brewster, Kingman, Jr. (1919–1988), 117 |
Briand, Aristide (1862–1932), 1954 |
Brillon de Jouy, Anne-Louise d’Hardancourt (1744–1824), letter from Benjamin Franklin, 2071 |
Brisbane, Arthur (1864–1936), letter from Woodrow Wilson, 171 |
Brooke, Rupert (1887–1915), 1720 |
Brooks, Phillips (1835–1893), 1227 |
Brown, H. Rap (1943– ), 1889 |
Brown, Harold (1927– ), 400 |
Browne, Charles Farrar. See Ward, Artemus. |
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (1806–1861), 1233 |
Browning, Robert (1812–1889), 700, 1142, 1840 |
Brownlow, Walter P. (1851–1910), 299 |
Bryan, William Jennings (1860–1925), 27, 776, 1573, 1752 letter to Andrew Carnegie, 1332 |
Bryant, William Cullen (1794–1878), 1829, 2092 |
Bryce, James, 1st Viscount Bryce (1838–1922), 317, 1416 |
Brydges Willyams, Sarah, letter from Benjamin Disraeli, 1319 |
Buchan, Sir John, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir (1875–1940), 414, 853 |
Buck, Pearl Sydenstricker (1892–1973), 19 |
Buckle, Henry Thomas (1821–1862), 393 |
Buddha. See Siddh![]() |
Burford, Anne M. (1942– ), 1969 |
Burke, Edmund (1729–1797), 120, 280, 342, 344, 483, 507, 560, 595–596, 694, 773–774, 794, 816, 948, 1028–1029, 1050–1053, 1082, 1417, 1715, 1765, 1787, 1911, 2086 |
Burnet, Dana (1888–1962), 457 |
Burnham, Daniel Hudson (1846–1912), 1360 |
Burns, Robert (1759–1796), 172 |
Bush, Vannevar (1890–1974), 708 |
Bush-Brown, Louise (1896?–1973), 458 |
Butler, Smedley D. (1881–1940), 1912 |
Butterfield, Herbert (1900–1979), 224, 1361 |
Byrnes, James Francis (1879–1972), 165, 709, 1756 |
Byron, George Noel Gordon, Lord (1788–1824), 1459 |
Calhoun, John Caldwell (1782–1850), 300, 1038, 1849, 1985 |
Calonne, Charles-Alexandre de (1734–1802), 1183 |
Campbell, Mrs. Patrick (Beatrice Stella Tanner Campbell) (1865–1940), 895, 1707 |
Camus, Albert (1913–1960), 190, 556 |
Cannon, Clarence (1879–1964), quoting an unknown author, 277 |
Cannon, Joseph Gurney (1836–1926), 115, 251, 260, 281, 308, 932, 1084, 1137, 1373, 1418, 1437 |
Cardozo, Benjamin Nathan (1870–1938), 999 |
Carlyle, Thomas (1795–1881), 45, 415, 606, 710–711, 1033–1034, 1143, 1691, 2024 quoting Oliver Cromwell, 1035 |
Carman, William Bliss (1861–1929), 585 |
Carnegie, Andrew (1835–1919), letter from William Jennings Bryan, 1332 |
Carnot, Lazare-Nicolas-Marguerite (1753–1823), letter from Napoleon I, 744 |
Carrington, Edward (1748–1810), letters from Thomas Jefferson, 619, 1245 |
Carroll, Lewis (pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson 1832–1898), 949–950, 1650, 1678, 1811, 2019 |
Carter, Jimmy (1934– ), 526, 1085, 1486 eulogy for Hubert H. Humphrey, 1697 quoting Walter Lippmann, 1605 |
Cary, Lucius, 2d Viscount Falkland. See Falkland. |
Cassidy, Henry Clarence (1910– ), letter from Joseph Stalin, 2068 |
Castro, Fidel (1926– ), 39 |
Catchings, Thomas C. (1847–1927), letter from Grover Cleveland, 139 |
Cecil, George W. (1891–1970), 1823 |
Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne. See Salisbury, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3d Marquis of. |
Celler, Emanuel (1888–1981), letter from Richard Milhous Nixon, 893 |
Chamberlain, Neville (1869–1940), 2050 |
Chapman, George (1559?–1634), 607 |
Chapman, John Jay (1862–1933), 1745 |
Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de. See Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. |
The Charleston Mercury, 559 |
Chase, Salmon Portland (1808–1873), quoting Abraham Lincoln, 1269 |
Chateaubriand, François René, vicomte de (1768–1848), 2075 |