Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989.
Author Index: Heinlein to Lombardi
Heinlein, Robert A. (1907–1988), 1432 |
Heller, Joseph (1923–1999), 1179 |
Hellman, Lillian (1905–1986), 112 |
Hemingway, Ernest (1899–1961), 131, 398, 1992 |
Henry, Joseph (1797–1878), 1663 |
Henry, Patrick (1736–1799), 571, 1060–1061, 1073, 1834, 1921–1922 last will and testament, 207 letter from George Washington, 619 |
Herbert, Sir Alan Patrick (1890–1971), 1166 |
Herbert, George (1593–1633), 193 |
Herndon, William Henry (1818–1891), letter from Abraham Lincoln, 1495 |
Herodotus (484?–425? B.C.), 637, 1439, 1781 |
Hershey, Lewis Blaine (1893–1977), 1186 |
Herzog, Émile-Salomon-Wilhelm (1885–1967). See Maurois, André. |
Hewitt, Abram Stevens (1822–1903), 1769 |
Heywood, John (1497?–1580?), 1335 |
Hill, Benjamin Harvey (1823–1882), 348, 722, 820 |
Hill, Joe (Joseph Hillstrom) (1879–1915), letter to William D. Haywood, 984 |
Hill, Samuel Billingsley (1875–1958), letter from Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 337 |
Hillel (fl. 30 B.C.–A.D. 9), 1673 |
Hippocrates (c. 460–c. 370 B.C.), 847 |
Hitler, Adolf (1889–1945), 155, 488, 821, 1203 |
Hoadly, George, 723 |
Hobbes, Thomas (1588–1679), 555 |
Hobhouse, John Cam, Lord Broughton de Gyfford (1786–1869), 634 |
Hodges, Leigh Mitchell (1876–1954), 1218 |
Hoffer, Eric (1902–1983), 158, 364, 874, 881, 906, 1129, 1174, 1265, 1448, 1612, 1674, 1681, 1688, 1718, 2026 |
Hokeky![]() |
Holland, Henry Scott (1847–1918), 1235 |
Hollins, John, letter from Thomas Jefferson, 1305 |
Holmes, Fanny Bowditch Dixwell (1840–1929), 1971 |
Holmes, John (1773–1843), letter from Thomas Jefferson, 1700 |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1841–1935), 1842 letters to: Laski, Harold J., 327 Pollock, Sir Frederick, 2006 Ryan, Oswald, 1089 Memorial Day speech, 768, 1088, 2091 speeches, 869, 925, 934, 938, 1006–1007, 1115, 1281 Supreme Court opinions, 675, 1037, 1586, 1645, 1758, 1792, 1835, 2013, 2020 |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1809–1894), 5, 75, 135, 631, 1090, 1814 |
Homer (c. 700 B.C.), 365, 685, 2092 |
Hooker, Joseph (1814–1879) letter from Abraham Lincoln, 1873 |
Hoover, Herbert Clark (1874–1964), 357, 1923 letter to George H. Moses, 349 |
Hope, James Barron (1827–1887), 366 |
Hopkins, Harry Lloyd (1890–1946), 76, 1336, 1793 |
Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus) (65–8 B.C.), 367, 2000 |
Housman, Alfred Edward (1859–1936), 1008, 2093 |
Houston, Samuel (1793–1863), 489, 593 |
Hubbard, Elbert (1856–1915), 6, 686, 1780, 2027 |
Hubbard, Frank McKinney (Kin) (1868–1930), 1899 |
Hughes, Charles Evans (1862–1948), 328, 582, 645 |
Hughes, Langston (1902–1967), 461, 917 |
Hughes, Thomas (1822–1896), 256 |
Hull, Cordell (1871–1955), 1794 |
Hume, David (1711–1776), 839 |
Humphrey, George Magoffin (1890–1970), 1795 |
Humphrey, Hubert Horatio (1911–1978), 169, 291, 724, 1892 quoting Thomas Henry Huxley, 51 |
Hussein Ibn Talal, King of Jordan (1935–1999), 1836 |
Huxley, Aldous Leonard (1894–1963), 309 |
Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825–1895), 51, 263, 583, 646, 1595, 2076 |
Ibsen, Henrik (1828–1906), 975 |
Ingalls, John James (1833–1900), eulogy on James N. Burnes, 368 |
Ingersoll, Robert Green (1833–1899), 1132 |
Irving, Washington (1783–1859), 177 |
Jackson, Andrew (1767–1845), 900, 939, 1849 |
Jackson, Robert Houghwout (1892–1954), 647, 1587 |
Jackson, Thomas Jonathan (Stonewall) (1824–1863), 1722 |
James, Will (1892–1942), 90 |
James, William (1842–1910), 526, 822, 1266, 1837 |
Jarvis, William Charles (d. 1836) letter from Thomas Jefferson, 491 |
Jay, John (1745–1829), 764 letter from Thomas Jefferson, 29 |
Jefferson, Thomas (1743–1826), 35, 92, 294, 331, 343, 426, 668, 728, 840, 926–927, 1073, 1204, 1337, 1562, 1576, 1679 Declaration of Independence, 396–397 epitaph, 546 inaugural address (1801), 619, 1267, 1596 Jefferson Memorial inscriptions, 178, 397, 667, 1062, 1844 letters from: Adams, John, 1200, 1619 Madison, James, 1931 letters to: Barton, B. S., 617 Carrington, Edward, 619, 1245 Colvin, John B., 1009 Cooper, Thomas, 727 Coray, A., 940 Cosway, Mrs., 687 Donald, Alexander, 358 Dufief, N. G., 170 Dumas, Mr., 1322 du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel, 490 Everett, Edward, 725 Genêt, Edmond Charles, 1809 Gerry, Elbridge, 382, 1493 Gilliam, Shelton, 802 Hammond, Charles, 941, 1246 Harding, David, 1283 Hollins, John, 1305 Holmes, John, 1700 Jarvis, William Charles, 491 Jay, John, 29 Kercheval, Samuel, 178, 329, 381, 1591, 1597 Kosciusko, Thaddeus, 779 Madison, James, 667, 726, 1298 Marsh, Amos, 405 Monroe, James, 1091, 1187 Mumford, William Green, 676 Page, John, 841 Pictet, Mr., 803 Plumer, William, 383 Price, Richard, 1338 Randolph, Thomas Mann, Jr., 851 Republican Citizens of Washington County, 778 Ritchie, Thomas, 943 Roane, Spencer, 330, 942 Rush, Benjamin, 1064, 1844 Rutledge, John, Jr., 92 Sinclair, Sir John, 618 Smith, Thomas Jefferson, 1116 Smith, William Stephens, 1065, 1623 Stuart, Archibald, 1063 Stuart, Josephus B., 101 Taylor, John, 384, 1590 Thomas, Mr., and others, 616 Tyler, John, 935 Waring, Benjamin, and others, 1323 Washington, George, 1062 Willis, Francis, 842 Worcester, Noah, 1924 Wythe, George, 1062 Yancey, Charles, 492 |
Jewell, William Henry (1789–1852), 955 |
Johnson, Andrew (1808–1875), 332 |
Johnson, Gerald White (1890–1980), 1556 |
Johnson, Hiram Warren (1866–1945), 1925 |
Johnson, Howard, 1226 |
Johnson Lyndon Baines (1908–1973), 210, 218, 243, 493, 544, 558, 691, 729, 1396, 1530, 1615, 1881, 1901, 2028 quoting Joseph G. Cannon, 308 State of the Union message (1964), 1440 |
Johnson, Samuel (1709–1784), 369, 1167, 1195, 1306, 1461, 1925, 2094 |
Johnson, Theodate (1907– ), letter from John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 97 |
Jones, Jesse Holman (1874–1956), 385 |
Jones, John Paul (1747–1792), 1625 letters to: American Commissioners to France, 1988 Chaumont, M. Le Ray de, 848 Morris, Gouverneur, 1624 |
Jouvenel, Robert de (1881–1924), 1031 |
K![]() ![]() |
Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804), 1010, 2033 |
Keats, John (1795–1821), 1219 |
Keller, Helen (1880–1968), 1435, 2029 |
Kellogg, Elijah (1813–1901), 1019 |
Kelly, Walter Crawford (1913–1973), 521 |
Kemal, Atatürk (1881–1938), 660 |
Kennan, George Frost (1904– ), 620–621 |
Kennedy, Edward M. (1932– ), 1299 eulogy for Robert F. Kennedy, 465 quoting Aeschylus, 2083 |
Kennedy, Jacqueline (1929–1994), quoting Andrew Jackson, 900 |
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917–1963), 22, 52, 132, 151, 215, 219, 355, 436, 491, 545, 578, 611, 622, 662, 669, 823, 1092, 1128, 1188–1189, 1211, 1268, 1324, 1381–1382, 1397, 1494, 1520, 1533, 1577, 1604, 1611, 1616, 1667, 1735, 1740–1741, 1872, 1882, 1902, 1972, 2007 desk plaque, 1479 gravesite inscriptions, 7, 77, 516, 661, 769–770, 1066 inaugural address (1961), 7, 77, 475, 516, 598, 623, 661, 769–770, 1066 John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, inscriptions, 96–98, 104, 1632, 1753 quoting: Aristotle, 567 Dante, 1211 García Lorca, 14 Lincoln, Abraham, 907 Lyautey, Marshal, 1815 Mallory, George, 1741 O’Reilly, John Boyle, 2034 Quarles, Francis, 1731 Ramayana, 1095 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 749 Shaw, George Bernard, 465 Ward, Artemus, 1407 Winthrop, John, 1611 State of the Union message (1961), 692, 730; (1963), 1632 |
Kennedy, Robert Francis (1925–1968), 116, 1746 Day of Affirmation address, 8, 179, 901–902, 1212, 2095 eulogy for Joseph Patrick Kennedy, 109 eulogy for Martin Luther King, Jr., 1864, 1995 gravesite inscriptions, 8, 1864, 1995 quoting Andrew Jackson, 900 quoting George Bernard Shaw, 465 quoting Samuel Ullman, 2095 |
Kercheval, Samuel (1786–1845?), letters from Thomas Jefferson, 178, 329, 381, 1591, 1597 |
Kerry, John F. (1943– ), 1883 |
Keynes, John Maynard (1883–1946), 693, 875, 1205 |
Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich (1894–1971), 126, 244, 1257, 1398, 1657, 1713, 1989 |
King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929–1968), 220, 462, 547, 572, 922, 1693, 1759, 1893–1894 |
Kingsley, Charles (1819–1875), 1220 letter from Thomas H. Huxley, 583 quoting Artemus Ward, 1148 |
Kipling, Rudyard (1865–1936), 824, 1723, 1865, 2014 |
Kissinger, Henry Alfred (1923– ), 624, 1093 quoting Klemens von Metternich, 1369 |
Knox, Dudley Wright (1877–1960), 1926 |
Komensky, Jan Amos. See Comenius, Johann Amos. |
Koran, 517 |
Kosciusko, Thaddeus (1746–1817), letter from Thomas Jefferson, 779 |
Kramer, Hilton (1928– ), 95 |
Kuan Chung (d. 645 B.C.), 495 |
La Rochefoucauld, François, duc de (1613–1680), 23, 1773 |
Labouchère, Henry, 1769 |
LaGuardia, Fiorello Henry (1882–1947), 1383 |
Lamar, Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus (1825–1893), 1447 |
Lamar, Mirabeau Buonaparte (1798–1859), 1196 |
Lamb, Charles (1775–1834), 850 |
Lambert, Michael, 1518 |
Lao Tzu (c. 604–c. 531 B.C.), 1020 |
Laski, Harold Joseph (1893–1950), letter from Oliver Wendell Holmes, 327 |
Lasson, Adolf (1832–1917), 1349 |
Lawrence, David Leo (1889–1966), 1747 |
Lawrence, James (1781–1813), 990 |
Lawrence, Jerome (1915– ), 1094 |
Lawrence, William A. (pseudonym of George W. Cecil). See Cecil, George W. |
Lazarus, Emma (1849–1887), 1770 |
Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre-Auguste (1807–1874), 1021 |
Lee, Arthur (1740–1792), letter to Samuel Adams, 1067 |
Lee, George Washington Custis (1832–1913), letters from Robert E. Lee, 469, 1850 |
Lee, Robert Edward (1807–1870), 1307 letters to: G. W. Custis Lee, 469, 1850 James Longstreet, 1900 |
Leigh, Mitch (1928– ), 459 |
LeMay, Curtis Emerson (1906–1990), 127 |
Lend a Hand Society, motto, 1434 |
L’Enfant, Pierre Charles (1754–1825), 161 |
Lenin, Vladimir Ilich (Ulyanov) (1870–1924), 194, 245–246, 1206 |
Levant, Oscar (1906–1972), 1399 |
Lewis, John Llewellyn (1880–1969), 985–986 |
Lewis, Sinclair (1885–1951), 1308 |
Lin Biao (1908–1971), 1927, 2040 |
Lincoln, Abraham (1809–1865), 36, 53, 78–79, 110, 162, 333, 386, 399, 406, 476, 522, 561, 573, 609, 688–689, 704, 731–734, 780, 855, 907, 936, 976–980, 1069–1070, 1117, 1180, 1221, 1225, 1269–1270, 1300, 1313, 1339, 1496–1498, 1534–1535, 1544, 1547, 1551, 1578, 1633, 1638–1639, 1683, 1701–1704, 1725, 1747, 1761, 1776, 1851–1852, 1903 inaugural address (1861), 735, 944 inaugural address (1865), 1325 last public address, 843 letters to: Bixby, Lydia, 370 Grimes, James, W., 511 Herndon, William H., 1495 Hooker, Joseph, 1873 Opdyke, George, and others, 1724 Pierce, Henry L., and others, 648, 1068, 1719 |
Lindsay, John Vliet (1921–2000), 444, 806 |
Lippmann, Walter (1889–1974), 235–236, 677, 694, 1247–1248, 1499, 1563, 1605 quoting George Santayana, 1291 |
Livy (Titus Livius) (59 B.C.–A.D. 17), 1928 |
Lloyd George, David, 1st Earl of Dwyfor (1863–1945), 1340, 1929, 1952 |
Locke, George L. (18??– ), 1468 |
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850–1924), 1026 |
Lombardi, Vincent Thomas (1913–1970), 1990 |