The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).>br>Volume I. From the Beginnings to the Cycles of Romance.
XVII. Later Transition English§ 7. The Turnament of Totenham
The literary needs of those who were familiar with the “romances of prys” in which deeds of chivalry were enshrined, and who, with the author of Sir Thopas, could enjoy parodies of them, were met by such salutary tales as The Turnament of Totenham. A countryside wedding, preceded by the mysteries of a medieval tournament, is described by Gilbert Pilkington, or by the author whose work he transcribes, in language that would be well understood and keenly appreciated by those of lower rank than “knight and lady free.” It is an admirable burlesque; rustic laddies contend not only for Tibbe the daughter of Rondill the refe, but for other prizes thrown in by the father: