The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume III. Renascence and Reformation.
- C
ASTIGLIONE - Il libro del Cortegiano del Conte Baldesar Castiglione. Venice, 1527.
- The Courtyer of Count Baldessar Castilio divided into foure bookes. Very necessary and profitable for yonge Gentilmen and Gentilwomen abiding in Court, Palaice or Place, done into Englyshe by Thomas Hoby. Imprinted at London by wyllyam Seres at the signe of the Hedghogge. 1561. With an introduction by Walter Raleigh. (Tudor Translations, ed. Henley, W. E.) 1900. Trans. and ed. Opdycke, L. E. New York, 1901. London, 1902.
- The Courtyer of Count Baldessar Castilio divided into foure bookes. Very necessary and profitable for yonge Gentilmen and Gentilwomen abiding in Court, Palaice or Place, done into Englyshe by Thomas Hoby. Imprinted at London by wyllyam Seres at the signe of the Hedghogge. 1561. With an introduction by Walter Raleigh. (Tudor Translations, ed. Henley, W. E.) 1900. Trans. and ed. Opdycke, L. E. New York, 1901. London, 1902.
- C
HURCHYARD - The Thre first bookes of Ovids De Tristibus, translated into Englishe. Anno 1572. Imprinted at London in Fletstreate neare to S. Dunstones Churche by Thomas Marshe. Also 1578 and Roxburghe Club, 1816.
- The Firste part of Churchyardes Chippes, contayning twelve severall Labours. Devised and published, only by Thomas Churchyard Gentelman. Imprinted at London in Fletestreate neare unto Saint Dunstones Church by Thomas Marshe. 1575 and 1578. See also J. P. Collier’s Reprint of 1870 (?).
- A Lamentable, and pitifull Description, of the wofull warres in Flaunders since the foure last yeares of the Emperor Charles the fifth his raigne. With a briefe rehearsall of many things done since that season, until this present yeare, and death of Don John. Written by Thomas Churchyarde Gentleman. Imprinted at London by Ralph Newberie. 1578.
- The Miserie of Flaunders, calamitie of Fraunce, Misfortune of Portugall, Unquietness of Ireland, Troubles of Scotlande: And the blessed state of Englande. Written by Tho. Churchyarde Gent. 1579. Imprinted at London for Andrewe Maunsell dwellyng in Paules Church-yard at the Signe of the Parret. Rptd., 1876.
- A Discourse of the Queenes Majesties entertainement in Suffolk and Norffolk: with a description of many things then presently seene. Devised by Thomas Churchyarde; Gent. with divers shewes of his own invention sette out at Norwich: and some rehearsal of hir Highnesse retourne from Progresse. Whereunto is adjoyned a commendation of Sir Humfrey Gilberts ventrous journey. At London, Imprinted by Henrie Bynneman, servante to the right Honourable Sir Christopher Hatton Vizchamberlayne. [1578.] Rptd., 1851.
- A generall rehearsall of warres, wherein is five hundred severall services of land and sea: as sieges, battailes, skirmiches, and encounters. A thousande gentle mennes names, of the best sort of warriours. A praise and true honour of Souldiours: A proofe of perfite Nobilitie. A triall and first erection of Heraldes: A discourse of calamitie. And joyned to the same some Tragedies and Epitaphes, as many as was necessarie for this firste booke. All which woorkes are dedicated to the right honorable sir Christopher Hatton knight, vize Chamberlain, Capitain of the gard: & one of the Queenes majesties privie counsail. Written by Thomas Churchyard Gentleman. Imprinted at London by Edward White, dwellyng at the little Northe doore of Paules Churche, at the signe of the Gunne. [1579.]
- A light Bondell of livly discourses called Churchyardes Charge, presented as a Newe yeres gifte to the right honourable, the Earle of Surrie, in whiche Bondell of verses is sutche varietie of matter, and severall inventions, that maie bee as delitefull to the Reader, as it was a Charge and labour to the writer, sette forthe for a peece of pastime, by Thomas Churchyarde Gent. Imprinted at London, by Jhon Kingston. 1580. Rptd by Collier, J. P., 1870 (?).
- The Worthiness of Wales: Wherein are more then a thousand severall things rehearsed: some set out in prose to the pleasure of the Reader, and with such varietie of verse for the beautifying of the Book, as no doubt shal delight thousands to understand. Which worke is interlarded with many wonders and right strange matter to consider of: All the which labour and device is drawne forth and set out by Thomas Churchyard, to the glorie of God, and honour of his Prince and countrey. Imprinted at London by G. Robinson for Thomas Cadman. 1587. Rptd., 1776, and Spenser Society, 1876.
- A Sparke of Friendship and warm Good-Will, that shows the Effect of true Affection, and unfolds the Fineness of this World. Whereunto is joined, the Commodity of sundry Sciences, and the Benefit that Paper bringeth, with many rare Matters rehearsed in the same. With a Description and Commendation of a Paper-Mill, now of late set up (near the Town of Dartford) by an High German, called M. Spilman, Jeweller to the Queen’s most excellent Majesty. Written by Thomas Churchyard, Gent. [In Harleian Miscellany, vol.
III, 1809, p. 260.]- A Handeful of gladsome Verses, given to the Queene’s Majesty at Woodstocke this Prograce. 1592. By Thomas Churchyarde. At Oxforde printed by Joseph Barnes, Printer to the Universitie. 1592. Rptd. in Fugitive Tracts written in verse which illustrate the condition of religious and political feeling in England. And the State of Society there during Two centuries, First Series, 1493–1600, 1875.
- Churchyards Challenge. London Printed by John Wolfe. 1593.
- The Mirror of Man, and manners of Men. Written by Thomas Churchyard Gent. Imprinted at London, by Arnold Hatfield for W. Holme. 1594. In Haslewood’s Frondes Caducae, 1816.
- A musicall consort of Heavenly harmonie (compounded out of manie parts of Musicke) called Churchyards Charitie. Imprinted at London, by Ar. Hatfield for William Holme. 1595. In Frondes Caducae, 1817.
- A Praise of Poetrie. Imprinted at London, by Ar. Hatfield for William Holme. 1595. In Frondes Caducae, 1817.
- A Sad and solemne funerall of the right honorable Sir Francis Knowles, Knight, Treasurer of the Queenes Majesties Houshold, one of her privie councell, and Knight of the most honorable Order of the Garter. Written by Thomas Churchyard, Esquier. Imprinted at London, by Ar. Hatfield, for Wm Holme. 1596. Rptd. in Park’s Heliconia, vol.
II, 1815.- The Fortunate Farewel to the most forward and noble Earle of Essex, one of the honorable privie Counsel, Earle high Marshal of England, Master of the horse, Master of the ordinance, Knight of the garter and Lord Lieutenant general of all the Queenes Majesties forces in Ireland. Dedicated to the right Honorable the Lord Harry Seamer, second sonne to the last Duke of Sommerset. Written by Thomas Churchyard Esquire. Printed at London by Edm. Bollifant, for William Wood at the west doore of Paules. 1599.
- Sorrowfull Verses made on [the] death cf our most Soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth, my Gracious Mistresse. [1603.]
- Churchyards good will. Sad and heavy Verses, in the nature of an Epitaph, for the losse of the Archbishop of Canterbury, lately deceased, Primate and Metropolitane of all England. Written by Thomas Churchyard, Esquire. Imprinted at London by Simon Stafford, dwelling in Hosier lane, near Smith-field. 1604. [In Fugitive Tracts written in verse which illustrate the condition of religious and political feeling in England And the State of Society there during Two centuries, Second Series, 1600–1700, 1875.]
- Thomas Churchyard, 1520–1604. By Adnitt, H. W., Shrewsbury. Rptd. from Trans. Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society [1884].
- The Life of Cardinal Wolsey. By George Cavendish. To which is added Thomas Churchyard’s Tragedy of Wolsey. Ed. Morley, H. 1885.
- The Firste part of Churchyardes Chippes, contayning twelve severall Labours. Devised and published, only by Thomas Churchyard Gentelman. Imprinted at London in Fletestreate neare unto Saint Dunstones Church by Thomas Marshe. 1575 and 1578. See also J. P. Collier’s Reprint of 1870 (?).
- D
YER - The Writings in verse and prose of Sir Edward Dyer, Knt. Ed. Grosart, A. B. 1872.
- E
SSEX - The Poems of Thomas, lord Vaux: Edward earl of Oxford: Robert, earl of Essex: and Walter, earl of Essex. Ed. Grosart, A. B. 1872.
- G
IFFORD - A Posie of Gilloflowers, eche differing from other in colour and odour, yet all sweete. By Humfrey Gifford Gent. Imprinted at London for John Perin, and are to be solde at his shop in Paules Churchyard, at the signe of the Angell. 1580. Poems. Ed. Grosart, A. B. 1870 and 1875.
- G
OOGE - Eglogs, Epytaphes and Sonettes. Newly written by Barnabe Googe: 1563. 15. Marche. Imprynted at London, by Thomas Colwell, for Raffe Newbery, dwelyng in Fleetstreete a little above the Conduit in the late shop of Thomas Bartelet. Ed. Arber, E. English Reprints. 1895.
- The Zodiake of Life written by the Godly and zealous Poet Marcellus Pallingenius stellatus, wherein are conteyned twelve Bookes disclosing the haynous Crymes & wicked vices of our corrupt nature: And plainlye declaring the pleasaunt and perfit pathway unto eternall lyfe, besides a numbre of digressions both pleasaunt & profitable, Newly translated into Englishe verse by Barnabe Googe. Imprinted at London by Henry Denham, for Rafe Newberye dwelling in Fleete streate. 1565.
- The Zodiacus Vitae of Marcellus Palingenius Stellatus: An Old School-Book Described by Watson, F. 1908.
- F. Baptista Mantuani Bucolica Seu adolesc
tia in dec
aeglogas divisa … Impeusis honesti Iohañis Prusz. Argentinae, 1563.
- Los Sieste Libros de la Diana de Iorge de Mõtemayor, dirigidos al muy Illustre señor don Ioan Castella de Vilanoua, señor de las baronias de Bicorb, y Quesa. Impresso in Valencia. [1559.]
- The Zodiake of Life written by the Godly and zealous Poet Marcellus Pallingenius stellatus, wherein are conteyned twelve Bookes disclosing the haynous Crymes & wicked vices of our corrupt nature: And plainlye declaring the pleasaunt and perfit pathway unto eternall lyfe, besides a numbre of digressions both pleasaunt & profitable, Newly translated into Englishe verse by Barnabe Googe. Imprinted at London by Henry Denham, for Rafe Newberye dwelling in Fleete streate. 1565.
- G
RIMALD - For editions of Songes and Sonettes see under Surrey.
- Commentariorum Aeneae Sylvii Piccolomineei Senensis de Concilio Basileae celebrato libri duo … nunc … primum impressi .… [Cologne (?), 1521 (?).]
- Donationis, quae Constantini dicitur, privilegium; … L. Vallae contra ipsum … privilegium declamatio.… [1530 (?).]
- Marcus Tullius Ciceroes thre bokes of duties, to Marcus his sonne, turned oute of latine into english, by Nicolas Grimalde. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. Anno domini 1556.
- Nicolai Grimoaldi viri doctis. In P. V. Maronis quatuor libros Georgicorum in oratione soluta Paraphrasis elegantissimus. Oxonij in aede Christi, Anno serenissimi Regis Edouardi sexti secundo, confecta. Londini Excudebant Georg. Bishop &Radulph. Newbery. 1591.
- A preservative, or triacle, agaynst the poyson of Pelagius, lately revived, & styrred up agayn, by the furious secte of the Annabaptistes. By William Turner. [London, 1551.] [Contains verses by Nicholas Grimald.]
- Commentariorum Aeneae Sylvii Piccolomineei Senensis de Concilio Basileae celebrato libri duo … nunc … primum impressi .… [Cologne (?), 1521 (?).]
- G
ROVE - The most famous and Tragicall Historie of Pelops and Hippodamia. Whereunto are adjoyned sundrie pleasant devises, Epigrams, songes and sonnettes. Written by Mathewe Groue. Imprinted at London by Abel Jeffs dwelling in the Fore streete without Creeplegate, neere unto Grubstreete. 1587. Poems. Ed. Grosart, A. B. 1878.
- H
ARINGTON - The most elegant and witty Epigrams of Sir John Harrington … digested into foure Bookes: Three whereof never before published. 1618.
- Nugae Antiquae: being a miscellaneous collection of original papers, in prose and verse; written during the reigns of Henry VIII. Edward VI. Queen Mary, Elizabeth, and King James: by Sir John Harington, Knt. and by others who lived in those Times. Selected from authentic remains by Harington, H. and ed. by Park, T. Vol.
II. 1804. - Nugae Antiquae: being a miscellaneous collection of original papers, in prose and verse; written during the reigns of Henry VIII. Edward VI. Queen Mary, Elizabeth, and King James: by Sir John Harington, Knt. and by others who lived in those Times. Selected from authentic remains by Harington, H. and ed. by Park, T. Vol.
- H
OWELL - The Arbor of Amitie, wherin is comprised pleasant Poëms and pretie Poesies, set foorth by Thomas Howell Gentleman. Anno. 1568. Imprinted at London by Henry Denham, dwelling in Pater noster Rowe, at the signe of the Starre.
- New Sonets, & pretie pamphlets. Written by Thomas Howell Gentleman. Newly augmented, corrected & amended. Imprinted at London in Fletestrete, at the signe of the S. John Evangelist, by Thomas Colwell. [?1567–8.]
- H. His Deuises, for his owne exercise, and his Friends pleasure. Vincit qui patitur. Imprinted at London, in Fleetestreate, beneath the Conduite, at the signe of the Saint John Evangelist, by H. Jackson. Anno. 1581. Ed. Walter Raleigh. Tudor and Stuart Library. [Oxford,] 1906.
- The Poems of Thomas Howell (1568–81). Ed. Grosart, A. B. 1879. (In vol.
VIII of Occasional Issues.) - New Sonets, & pretie pamphlets. Written by Thomas Howell Gentleman. Newly augmented, corrected & amended. Imprinted at London in Fletestrete, at the signe of the S. John Evangelist, by Thomas Colwell. [?1567–8.]
- O
XFORD - See under Essex.
- S
URREY - Songes and Sonettes, written by the ryght honorable Lorde Henry Haward late Earle of Surrey, and other. Apud Richardum Tottel. 1557.… Imprinted at London in flete strete within Temple barre, at the sygne of the hand and starre, by Richard Tottel the fift day of June. An. 1557. Also the xxxi day of July. An. 1557. Later edd. 1559, 1565, 1567, 1574, 1585, 1587.
- Songs and Sonnets. Ed. Nott, J. 1812. [“This intended edition was nearly totally destroyed in Bensley’s fire” (MS. note in British Museum copy, 11607 (i) 7).]
- The Works of Henry Howard Earl of Surrey and of Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder. Ed. Nott, G. F. 2 vols. 1815. [Vol.
II, 1816.]- Poetical Works of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, Minor Contemporaneous Poets and Thomas Sackville, Lord Buckhurst. Ed. Bell, R. The Annotated Edition of the English Poets. 1854.
- English Reprints. Tottel’s Miscellany Songes and Sonnettes by Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, Sir Thomas Wyatt the elder, Nicholas Grimald and Uncertain Authors. First edition of 5th June, collated with the second edition of 31st July 1557. Ed. Arber, E. 1870 and 1903.
- Certain Bokes of Virgiles Aenæis turned into English meter by the right honorable lorde, Henry Earle of Surrey. Apud Ricardum Tottel, 1557. Rptd. Roxburghe Club, 1814
- Il secondo di Vergilio in lingua volgare, volto da Hippolito de Medici Cardinale. [Citta di Castello.]
M.D.XXXVIII. - Le Rime di Francesco Petrarca secondo la revisione ultima del poeta. Ed. Salvo Cozzo, G. 1904.
- Songs and Sonnets. Ed. Nott, J. 1812. [“This intended edition was nearly totally destroyed in Bensley’s fire” (MS. note in British Museum copy, 11607 (i) 7).]
- T
URBERVILE - Epitaphes, Epigrams, Songs and Sonets, with a Discourse of the Friendly affections of Tymetes to Pyndara his Ladie. Newly corrected with additions, and set out by George Turbervile Gentleman. Anno Domini. 1567. Imprinted at London, by Henry Denham. Rptd. by Collier, J. P., 1870 (?).
- Tragical Tales, translated by Turbervile. In time of his troubles, out of sundrie Italian, with the Argument and Lenvoye to eche Tale. Nocet empta dolore voluptas. Imprinted at London by Abell Jeffs, dwelling in the Forestreete without Crepelgate at the signe of the Bel. 1587.
- The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper.… Ed. Chalmers, A. 21 vols. Vol.
II. 1810. - Tragical Tales, translated by Turbervile. In time of his troubles, out of sundrie Italian, with the Argument and Lenvoye to eche Tale. Nocet empta dolore voluptas. Imprinted at London by Abell Jeffs, dwelling in the Forestreete without Crepelgate at the signe of the Bel. 1587.
- T
USSER - [Tusser, Thomas.] A hundreth good pointes of husbandrie. A hundreth good pointes, of good husbandry, maintaineth good household, with huswifry. House-keping and husbandry, if it be good: must love one another, as cousinnes in blood. The wife to, must husband as well as the man: or farewel thy husbandry, doe what thou can.… Imprinted at London in flete strete within Temple barre, at the sygne of the hand and starre, by Richard Tottel, the third day of February, An. 1557. Rptd., 1810.
- A hundrethe good points of husbandrie, lately maried unto a hundrethe good points of Huswifry newly corrected and amplified with dyvers proper lessons for housholders, as by the table at the later end, more playnly may appeare. Set foorth by Thomas Tusser Gentleman, servant to the right honorable Lorde Paget of Beudesert. In aedibus Richardi Tottelli Cum privilegio ad imprimendaum solum. 1571.
- Fiue hundreth points of good husbandry united to as many of good huswiferie, first devised, & nowe lately augmented with diverse approved lessons concerning hopps & gardening, and other needeful matters, together with an abstract before every moneth, conteining the whole effect of the sayd moneth with a table & a preface in the beginning both necessary to be reade, for the better understanding of the booke. Set forth by Thomas Tusser gentleman, servant to the honorable Lord Paget of Beudesert. Imprinted at London in Flete strete within Temple barre, at the signe of the Hand & starre, by Rychard Tottell. Anno. 1573. Also 1577.
- Fiue hundred pointes of good Husbandrie, as well for the Champion, or open countrie, as also for the woodland, or severall, mixed in everie Month with Huswiferie, over and besides the booke of Huswiferie, corrected, better ordered, and newly augmented to a fourth part more, with divers other lessons, as a diet for the fermer, of the properties of winds, planets, hops, herbes, bees, and approoved remedies for sheepe & cattle, with many other matters both profitable, and not unpleasant for the Reader. Also a table of husbandrie at the beginning of this booke: and another of huswiferie at the end: for the better and easier finding of any matter conteined in the same. Newly set foorth by Thomas Tusser Gentleman, servant to the Honorable Lorde Paget of Beaudesert. Imprinted at London, by Henrie Denham, dwelling in Paternoster Row, at the signe of the Starre. 1580.
- Tusser Redivivus: Being Part of Mr. Thomas Tusser’s Five Hundred Points of Husbandry. 1710.
- The last will and testament of Thomas Tusser. Now First Printed. To which is added, His Metrical Autobiography, &c. 1846.
- Fiue Hundred Pointes of Good Husbandrie. By Thomas Tusser. The Edition of 1580 collated with those of 1573 and 1577. Together with a Reprint, from the Unique Copy in the British Museum, of “A Hundreth good Pointes of Husbandrie,” 1557. Ed. Payne, W. and Herrtage, S. J. English Dialect Society. 1878.
- A hundrethe good points of husbandrie, lately maried unto a hundrethe good points of Huswifry newly corrected and amplified with dyvers proper lessons for housholders, as by the table at the later end, more playnly may appeare. Set foorth by Thomas Tusser Gentleman, servant to the right honorable Lorde Paget of Beudesert. In aedibus Richardi Tottelli Cum privilegio ad imprimendaum solum. 1571.
- V
ALLANS - A Tale of two Swannes. Wherein is comprehended the original encrease of the river Lee, commonly called Ware River: together with the Antiquitie of sundrie Places and Townes seated upon the same. Pleasant to be read, and not unprofitable to be understood. By W. Vallans. London: printed by Roger Ward for John Sheldrake. 1590.
- [William Vallans (fl. 1578–90), poet and salter. This poem is interesting as an early example of blank verse outside the drama. It is reprinted in Hearne’s Leland’s Itinerary, vol.
V. See also British Museum Harl. MSS., 367, f. 129.] - [William Vallans (fl. 1578–90), poet and salter. This poem is interesting as an early example of blank verse outside the drama. It is reprinted in Hearne’s Leland’s Itinerary, vol.
- V
AUX - See under Essex.
- W
YATT - For editions of Songes and Sonettes see under Surrey.
- Poems of Sir Thomas Wyatt. British Museum. Egerton MSS., 2711.
- Poetical Works of Sir Thomas Wyatt. Ed. Bell, R. The Annotated Edition of the English Poets. 1854.
- Certayne Psalmes chosen out of the Psalter of David commonly called the vij penytentiall Psalmes, drawen into Englyshe meter by sir Thomas Wyat knyght, whereunto is added a prologe of the auctore before every Psalme very pleasant and profettable to the Godly reader. Imprinted at London in Paules Churchyarde at the sygne of thee starre by Thomas Raynald and John Harryngton, cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum. 1549.
- Opere Toscane di Luigi Alamanni al Christianissimo Re’Francesco Primo.… Sebast. Gryphius excudebat Lugd. 1532.
- Satire di … Luigi Alamanni. Londra, 1786. [In Raccolta di Poeti Satirici Italiani, vol.
II. ]- Strambotti del Seraphino.… Impresso a Milano &pmacr; Magistro Antonio Jaroto.
M.CCCCC.IIII. a di.VII. de Jugno.- Opere dello eleg
te Poeta Seraphino Aquilano finite & emendate con la gionta zoe Apologia et vita desso poeta. Venetia,
.M.CCCCCV. - Le Rime di Serafino de’ Ciminelli dall’ Aquila a cura di Mario Menghini. 1894. [In Collezione di Opere inedite o rare di scrittori italiani dal
XIII alXVI seccolo, etc., ed. Carducci, G.]- Antonius Romanellus Egloga Metrophilus & Philartus. Venice (?), 1520 (?).
- Les Œuvres de Clement Marot de Cahors en Quercy Valet de Chambre du Roy. Ed. Guiffry, G. Œuvres Complètes. Ed. Jannet, P. 1873.
- Œuvres complètes de Melin de Sainct-Gelays. Ed. Blanchemain, P. 1873.
- Theodori Bezae Vezelii Poemata. Lutetiae, 1548.
- Poems of Sir Thomas Wyatt. British Museum. Egerton MSS., 2711.
- M
ISCELLANIES - For Songes and Sonettes (Tottel’s Miscellany) see under Surrey.
- A gorgious Gallery, of gallant Inventions. Garnished and decked with divers dayntie devises, right delicate and delightfull, to recreate eche modest minde withall. First framed and fashioned in sundrie formes, by divers worthy workemen of late dayes: and now, joyned together and builded up: By T. P. Imprinted at London, for Richard Jones. 1578.
- A Handefull of pleasant delites, containing sundrie new Sonets and delectable Histories, in divers kindes of Meeter. Newly devised to the newest tunes that are now in use, to be sung: everie Sonet orderly pointed to her proper Tune. With new additions of certain Songs, to verie late devised Notes, not commonly knowen, nor used heretofore, By Clement Robinson. and divers others. At London Printed by Richard Jhones: dwelling at the signe of the Rose and Crowne, neare Holbourne Bridge. 1584. Rptd. by Arber, E. English Scholar’s Library. No. 3. 1878.
- The Paradyse of daynty deuises, aptly furnished, with sundry pithie and learned inventions: devised and written for the most part by M. Edwards, sometimes of her Majesties Chappel: the rest, by sundry learned Gentlemen, both of honor, and woorshippe. viz. S. Barnarde. E. O. L. Vaux. D. S. Jasper Heywood. F. K. M. Bewe. R. Hill. M. Yloop, with others. Imprinted at London, by Henry Disle, dwellyng in Paules Churchyard, at the South west doore of Saint Paules Church, and are there to be solde. 1576. Second edition, enlarged, 1577.
- The Paradyse of daynty deuises. Conteyning sundry pithy preceptes, learned Counsels, and excellent inventions, right pleasant and profitable for all estates. Devised and written for the most part, by M. Edwardes, sometimes of her Majesties Chappell; the rest, by sundry learned Gentlemen, both of honor, and worship, whose names hereafter folowe. Imprinted at London, by Henry Disle dwelling in Paules Churchyard, at the Southwest doore of Saint Paules Church, and are there to be solde. 1578. Saint Barnard. E. O. Lord Vaux, the Elder. W. Hunis. Jasper Heywood. F. Kindlemarsh. D. Sand. M. Yloop. Also 1580 and rptd. 1585. 1596. Whereunto is added sundry new inventions, very pleasant and delightfull. At London Printed for Edward White, and are to be sold at his Shop at the little North doore of Paules Church, at the signe of the Gunne.… 1600. Rptd., 1606.
- The Paradise of Dainty Deuices, reprinted from a Transcript of The First Edition, 1576, In the hand writing of the late George Steevens, Esq. With an Appendix: Containing Additional Pieces from the Editions of 1580 & 1600. Ed. Brydges, Sir Egerton, K.J. 1810. Another ed., 1812.
- A gorgious Gallery, of gallant Inventions. Garnished and decked with divers dayntie devises, right delicate and delightfull, to recreate eche modest minde withall. First framed and fashioned in sundrie formes, by divers worthy workemen of late dayes: and now, joyned together and builded up: By T. P. Imprinted at London, for Richard Jones. 1578.
- L
ATER COLLECTIONS AND REPRINTS - Arber, E. The Surrey and Wyatt Anthology. 1900.
- Carpenter, F. I. English Lyric Poetry 1500–1700. 1906.
- Collier J. P. Seven English Poetical Miscellanies, Printed between 1557 and 1602. 1867.
- Hannah, J. The Courtly Poets from Raleigh to Montrose. 1870.
- [Hazlitt, W. C.] Inedited Poetical Miscellanies, 1584–1700. Selected from MSS. chiefly in private hands. 1890.
- Oliphant, T. Musa Madrigalesca. 1837.
- Park, T. Heliconia. 1815.
- Ritson, J. A select Collection of English Songs, with their original airs: and a historical essay on the origin and progress of national song. 3 vols. Second edition. Ed. Park, T. 1813.
- Schelling, F. E. A Book of Elizabethan Lyrics. Athenæum Press Series. Boston, 1895.
- Carpenter, F. I. English Lyric Poetry 1500–1700. 1906.
- B
IOGRAPHY, CRITICISM, ETC. - Bapst, Edmond, Deux Gentilshommes et Poètes de la Cour de Henry VIII. Paris, 1891.
- Chappell, W. Some Account of an Unpublished Collection of Songs and Ballads by King Henry VIII. and his Contemporaries. Archaeologia,
XLI, p. 371.- Courthope, W. J. A History of English Poetry. Vol.
II: The Renaissance and the Reformation: Influence of the Court and the Universities. 1904.- Einstein, L. The Italian Renaissance in England. New York and London. 1892.
- Elizabethan Lyric, The. Quarterly Review, No. 302, October, 1902.
- Emerson, O. F. The Development of Blank Verse. A Study of Surrey, Mod. Lang. Notes,
IV, 1889, p. 466.- Erskine, J. The Elizabethan Lyric. A Study. New York, Columbia University Press, 1903. [Contains a bibliography.]
- Fest, O. Über Surrey’s Virgilübersetzung nebst Neuausgabe des vierten Buches nach Tottel’s Originaldruck und der bisher ungedruckten Hs. Hargrave 205 (Brit. Mus.). 1898. (Palaestra, Band 34.)
- Flügel, E. Die handschriftliche Überlieferung der Gedichte von Sir Thomas Wyatt. Anglia, Band
XVIII (Neue Folge, BandVI ), Part 1, p. 263, PartII, p. 455, 1896.- —— Liedersammlungen des
XVI Jahrhunderts besonders aus der Zeit Heinrichs VIII. Anglia,XII, 1889, andXXVI, 1903.- Fuller, T. The History of the Worthies of England. Ed. Nichols, J. 1811.
- Guest, E. A History of English Rhythms. Ed. Skeat, W. W. 1882.
- Hales, J. W. Folia Litteraria. 1893.
- Hazlitt, W. C. A Catalogue of Early English Miscellanies formerly in the Harleian Library. Camden Miscellany, vol.
IV. 1862.- —— Handbook to the Popular, Poetical and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain, from the Invention of Printing to the Restoration. 1867.
- —— Collection and Notes. Four series. 1876–1903.
- Hoelper, F. Die englische Schriftsprache in Tottel’s “Miscellany” (1557) und in Tottel’s Ausgabe von Brooke’s “Romeus and Juliet” (1562). 1894.
- Koeppel, E. Sir Thomas Wyatt und Melin de Saint-Gelais. Anglia, Band
XIII (Neue Folge, Band 1,) p. 77, 1891.- —— Stud. z. Gesch. des engl. Petrarchismus im 16 Jahr. Roman. Forsch.
V. Le Marchi, L. L’influenza della linea italiana sulla linea inglese nel secoloXVI. Nuova Antologia. 1895.- Mott, L. F. The System of Courtly Love. 1896.
- Padelford, F. M. The Manuscript Poems of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey. 1906.
- —— Early Sixteenth Century Lyrics. 1907.
- —— The Relation of the 1812 and 1815–1816 Editions of Surrey and Wyatt. Anglia, Band
XXIX (Neue Folge, BandXVII ), p. 256, 1906.- Saintsbury, G. A History of Elizabethan Literature. 1890.
- —— A History of English Prosody from the Twelfth Century to the Present Day. Vol. 1. From the Origins to Spenser. 1906.
- —— The Earlier Renaissance. Edinburgh and London, 1901.
- Schroeer, A. Über die Anfänge des Blankverses in England. Anglia, Band
IV, Heft i, p. 1, 1881.- Scott, M. A. Elizabethan Translations from the Italian. Mod. Lang. Ass. of America,
X, XI, XIII andXIV, 1895, 1896, 1898 and 1899.- Sheavyn, P. Patrons and Professional Writers under Elizabeth and James I. The Library, New Series, vol.
VII, p. 301. 1906.- Simonds, W. C. Sir Thomas Wyatt and his Poems. Strassburg, 1889.
- Symonds, J. A. The Renaissance in Italy. 7 vols. 1880–6.
- Warton, T. The History of English Poetry from the close of the 11th to the commencement of the 18th century. 3 vols. 1774–81.
- Wood, A. à. Athenae Oxonienses. Ed. Bliss, P. 1820.
- Zocco, I. Petrachismo e Petrarchisti in Inghilterra. Palermo, 1906.
- [See also Körting: Grundriss, Münster, 1905, pp. 209 ff., 274 ff. The following bibliographical works should also be consulted in addition to those mentioned in previous volumes.]
- Arber, E. Transcripts of the Stationers’ Company. 5 vols. 1875–94.
- Brydges, Sir S. E. British Bibliographer. 4 vols. 1810–14.
- —— Censura Literaria. 10 vols. 1815.
- —— Restituta. 4 vols. 1814–16.
- Collier, J. P. Bibliographical Account of Early English Literature. 2 vols. 1865.
- Corser, T. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica. Chetham Soc. 1860 ff.
- Chappell, W. Some Account of an Unpublished Collection of Songs and Ballads by King Henry VIII. and his Contemporaries. Archaeologia,