The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume IV. Prose and Poetry: Sir Thomas North to Michael Drayton.
- I. P
OEMS - An Anatomy of the World. Wherein By Occasion of the untimely death of Mistris Elizabeth Drury the frailty and the decay of this whole world is represented. Printed for Samuel Macham and are to be solde at his shop in Paules Churchyard, at the signe of the Bul-head. 1611. (Contains only the first Anniversary and A Funeral Elegie.) Second edition with addition of Of the Progresse of the Sowle Wherein By occasion of the Religious death of Mistris Elizabeth Drury, the incommodities of the Sowle in this life, and her exaltation in the next, are contemplated. The second Anniversarie. 1612. Rptd. 1621, 1625.
- Lachrymae Lachrymarum. By Joshua Sylvester. Third edition. 1613. (Contains Donne’s Elegie upon The Untimely Death of the Incomparable Prince Henry.)
- Coryat’s Crudities. 1611. [Among the Panegyricke Verses upon the Author and his Booke appears one headed “Incipit Joannes Donne.”
- “Oh to what heigth will love of greatness drive
- Thy leavened spirit, sesqui-superlative.”
- It has a macaronic verse (“In eundum Macaronicon”) as a kind of postscript, and is terminated by the words “Explicit Joannes Donne.”
- Farther on, the phrase “Incipit Joannes Dones” introduces the piece of verse beginning:
- “Loe her’s a man worthy indeed to travell.”]
- Coryat’s Crudities. 1776. (The two former poems reappear. Also, among the “Extracts relating etc.” is another piece of verse assigned to Donne.
- “Another here thy Booke doth much commend
- That none can study it to any end,” etc.
It repeats the conceits of the first poem.)- Poems, by J. D. With Elegies on the Author’s Death. 1633, 1635 (with new arrangement, and several new poems, some of which are not Donne’s), 1639, 1649 (very scarce).
- Poems. With Elegies on the Author’s Death. To which Is added divers Copies under his own hand never before in print. 1650, 1654, 1669.
- Poems on several Occasions. 1719.
- Satires (versified) by Alexander Pope. 1735.
- Poetical Works. With life by Izaak Walton. 3 vols. Bell’s Poets. Vols.
XXIII–XXV. 1779. See also Anderson’s Poets, vol.IV, 1793; and Chalmers’s English Poets, vol.V. 1810.- Two elegies by Dr. Donne not in any edition of his works. In Waldron’s Shakespearean Miscellany, part III, 1802. (Probably not by Donne.)
- Unpublished poems. Ed. Simeon, Sir. J. Philobiblon Society Miscellanies. 1856. (All doubtful or spurious.)
- Complete Poems. Ed. Grosart, A. B. 2 vols. Fuller Worthies’ Library. 1872–3.
- Poems. From the Text of the Edition of 1633. Revised, Lowell, J. R. With the various readings of the other Editions, etc. By Norton, C. E. 2 vols. The Grolier Club. New York, 1895.
- Love-Poems. Ed. Norton, C. E. Boston.
MDCCCCV. - Poems. Ed. Chambers, E. K., with an introduction by Saintsbury, G. 2 vols. 1896.
- Lachrymae Lachrymarum. By Joshua Sylvester. Third edition. 1613. (Contains Donne’s Elegie upon The Untimely Death of the Incomparable Prince Henry.)
- II. M
ISCELLANEOUS PROSE WORKS - Pseudo-Martyr. Wherein out of Certaine Propositions and Gradations, this Conclusion is evicted that those which are of the Romane Religion in this Kingdome may and ought to take the Oath of Allegiance &c. 1610.
- Conclave Ignatii: sive ejus in nuperis Inferni comitiis inthronisatio: Accessit et Apologia pro Jesuitis etc. [1611.]
- Ignatius his Conclave: of his Inthronisation in a late election in Hell: wherein many things are mingled by way of Satyr. Translated out of Latin. 1611, etc.
- Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, and severall Steps in my Sickness, etc. 1624, 1638.
- Juvenilia: or Certaine Paradoxes and Problemes. 1633.
- BIA[char]ANATO[char]. A Declaration of that Paradox or Thesis that selfe-homicide is not so naturally sinne that it may never be otherwise. 1648, 1700 (dedicatory Epistle by John Donne, the son).
- Paradoxes, Problemes, Essayes, Characters, … to which is added a Book of Epigrams. 1652. (The Epigrams are not by Donne.)
- Essayes in Divinity, being several disquisitions, interwoven with meditations and prayers, before he entered into Holy Orders. Now made publick by his son. 1651. Ed. Augustus Jessopp, 1855.
- Letters to severall Persons of Honour. 1651, 1657.
- A Collection of Letters made by Sir Tobie Mathews. 1600. (Includes several by Donne.)
- Conclave Ignatii: sive ejus in nuperis Inferni comitiis inthronisatio: Accessit et Apologia pro Jesuitis etc. [1611.]
- III. S
ERMONS - A Sermon … preached to the honourable Company of the Virginian Plantation, 13th November, 1622.
- A Sermon upon the
XV verse of theXX chapter of the Book of Judges. 1622.- A Sermon … Preached at the Crosse the 15th of Sept. 1622.
- Encœnia. The Feast of Dedication. Celebrated at Lincolne’s Inne in a sermon At the dedication of a new Chapell there, etc. 1623.
- The first sermon preached to King Charles, 3rd April, etc. 1625.
- A Sermon of commemoration of the Lady D
vers.… 1627.
- A Sermon preached to the Kings Mtie at Whitehall, 24 Feb. 1625. 1626.
- Death’s Duell, or a Consolation to the Soule against the dying Life and living Death of the body. Delivered in a sermon at Whitehall, before the King’s Majesty in the beginning of Lent 1630, etc.… Being his last Sermon and called by his Majesties household The Doctor’s owne Funerall Sermon. 1632, 1633.
- Six Sermons … preached before the King and elsewhere. 1634.
LXXX Sermons. 1640/1.- Fifty Sermons. Second Volume. (The
LXXX Sermons forming the first.) 1649.XXVI Sermons never before published. The Third Volume. 1660/1. - A Sermon upon the
- IV. B
IOGRAPHIES AND APPRECIATIONS - Alford, H., in Collected Works of Donne. 6 vols. 1839.
- Courthope, W. J. A History of English Poetry. Vol.
III, chap.VIII, The School of Metaphysical Wit—John Donne. 1903.- Gosse, Edmund. The Life and Letters of John Donne, Dean of St. Paul’s. Now for the first time revised and collected. 2 vols. 1899.
- Harrison, John Smith. References to Donne’s conceptions of Love and Woman in Platonism in English Poetry of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Columbia University Press, New York, 1903.
- Jessopp, Augustus. John Donne. (See, also, D. of N. B.) 1897.
- Johnson’s Lives of the Poets. (Cowley.) Vol. 1. 1779.
- Lightfoot, J. B. Donne, the Poet-Preacher. 1877.
- Melton, Wightman Fletcher. The Rhetoric of John Donne’s Verse. Johns Hopkins University. 1906.
- Phillips, Edward. Theatrum Poetarum, or a Compleat Collection of the Poets, etc. 1674.
- Walton, I. The Life and Death of Dr. Donne. Prefixed to
LXXX Sermons, and signed Iz. Wa. 1640– . Also much enlarged in 1658, 1670, - Courthope, W. J. A History of English Poetry. Vol.
- Articles
- Dowden, Edward, The Poetry of John Donne. The Fortnightly Review, New Series, vol.
XLVII, p. 791. Reprinted in New Studies in Literature, 1895.- Fathers of Literary Impressionism. Quarterly Review, vol.
CLXXXV, p. 173.- Gosse, Edmund. The Poetry of John Donne. The New Review, vol.
IX, p. 236.- John Donne and His Contemporaries. Quarterly Review, vol.
CXCII, p. 217.- Minto, William. John Donne. The Nineteenth Century, vol.
VII. - Stephen, Leslie. John Donne. National Review, vol.
XXXIV, p. 595.- Symons, Arthur. John Donne. The Fortnightly Review, New Series, vol.
LXVI, p. 734. - Fathers of Literary Impressionism. Quarterly Review, vol.