The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume IV. Prose and Poetry: Sir Thomas North to Michael Drayton.
- Alexander, Sir W. An Encouragement to Colonies, 1621–8. Rptd., Bannatyne Club, 1867.
- Andrewes, L. De usuris, theologica determinatio, habita in publica schola theologica Cantabrigiae. 1593.
- The Anti-projector, or, the history of the Fen project. London (?), 1646 (?).
- Ashley, W. J. An Introduction to English Economic History and Theory. Pt.
I, The Middle Ages. Pt.II, The End of the Middle Ages. 1889–93.- Aubrey, J. The Natural Histroy of Wiltshire. Ed. Britton, J. 1847.
- —— in Rawlinson’s The natural history and antiquities of the county of Surrey, 1719.
- Awdeley, J. Fraternitye of Vacabones, 1561. Ed. Viles, E. and Furnivall, F. J. 1907.
- Aylmer, J. An Harborowe for faithfull and trewe Subjectes, against the late blowne Blaste, concerninge the governm
t of Wemen. Strasborowe, 1559.
- Bardes, Walter de. Tractatusnovae monetae. Brit. Mus. Lansd. MS.
LXXI. - Battie, J. The Merchants Remonstrance. 1648.
- Bell, T. The Speculation of Usurie. 1596. (A copy of this tract, believed to be unique, is in the Cambridge University Library.)
- Best, H. Rural economy in Yorkshire in 1641. Ed. Robinson, C. B., for Surtees Soc. 1857.
- Blith, W. The English improver, or a new survey of husbandry. 1649.
- Bodin, J. Consilia de Principe recte instituendo. Cum praeceptis cujusdam principis politicis. 1603.
- —— The six bookes of a Commonweale. 1606.
- Britain’s Buss, or A Computation as well as the Charge of a Buss or Herring Fishing Ship. 1615. In Arber’s An English Garner, vol.
II, 621 ff., 1880.- Buchanan, G. Ane admonition direct to the trew Lordis mantenaris of justice and obedience to the Kingis graces authorite. 1571.
- —— De Jure Regni apud Scotos, Dialogus. Edinburgh, 1579.
- Bullock, W. Virginia impartially examined. 1649.
- Caesar, P. A general discourse against the damnable sect of Usurers. Trans. by Rogers, T. 1578.
- Calvin, J. Institutio Christianiae religionis nunc vere demum suo titulo respondens. Argentorati, 1545.
- Camden, W. Annales Rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum, regnante Elizabetha. 1615–27.
- Carew, R. The Survey of Cornwall. 1602.
- Caxton, W. The Game and Playe of the chesse. Bruges, c. 1475.
- Cecil, W. Lord Burghley. Draft of the Queen’s Proclamation to her subjects to withhold corn and munition from the Spaniard. 1591. Brit. Mus. Lansd. MS.
CIV, 47.- —— Letter to Isabella Countess of Rutland complaining of her waste of the timber in Sherwood Forest. 28 July, 1594. Brit. Mus. Lansd. MS.
CIII, 80.- —— Memorial on the question of preparing for the Spanish invasion. 1587. Brit. Mus. Cotton. MS. Vesp. C.
VIII, 4.- —— A treatise touching the traffic of the East Countries into Spain. 1591. Brit. Mus. Lansd. MS.
CIV, 30.- Chamberlen, P. The Poore Mans Advocate. 1649.
- Coke, J. The Debate Betwene the Heraldes of Englande and Fraunce. 1550.
- Cooke, Sir J. Unum Necessarium, or the Poore Man’s Case. 1648.
- Cowell, J. The Interpreter; or Booke containing the signification of Words … and Termes … mentioned in the Lawe-Writers or Statutes … requiring any exposition. Cambridge, 1607.
- Culpepper, Sir T. A Tract against Usurie. 1621.
- Davies, Sir John. A discoverie of the true causes why Ireland was never entirely subdued … untill the beginning of his Majesties happie raigne. 1612.
- Dekker, T. The Seven Deadly Sinnes of London. 1606.
- Digges, Sir D. The defence of Trade, in a letter to Sir T. Smith. 1615.
- Drake, Sir F. The World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake, Being his next voyage to that to Nombre de Dios formerly imprinted; Carefully collected out of the notes of Master Francis Fletcher, Preacher in this employment, and divers others his followers in the same. 1628.
- Dudley, E. The Tree of the Common Wealth; a treatise … Written by him while a prisoner in the Tower, in the years 1509 and 1510, and under sentence of death for High Treason. Manchester, 1859.
- Dugdale, Sir W. The History of Imbanking and drayning of divers Fenns and Marshes, both in fore
n parts and in this Kingdom; and of the improvements thereby. 1662.
- Fenton, R. A treatise of Usurie. 1612.
- Fish, S. A Supplicacyon for the Beggars. 1529 (?). Ed. Maskell, W. 1845.
- Fisher, J. The Book of John Fisher. 1580–8. Ed. Kemp, T. 1900.
- Fitzherbert, Sir A. The new booke of Justyces of Peas. 1541.
- Fitzherbert, John. [The Book of Surveying] Here begynneth a ryght frutefull mater; and hath to name the boke of surveying and improuvem
tes. 1523.
- —— The boke of husbandry. 1534.
- (These books have been generally attributed to Sir Anthony Fitzherbert, Justice of the Common Pleas, but good reason has been shown for believing that they were written by his brother, John Fitzherbert of Norbury. See Fitzherbert, R. H. C., English Historical Review,
XII, 225, and Cunningham’s Growth of Eng. Industry and Commerce, vol.I, 553. 1905.)- Fitz-Neale, or -Nigel, R. Dialogus de Scaccario. Ed. Hughes, A., Crump, C. G. and Johnson, C. Oxford, 1902. [See, also, The Ancient Dialogue of the Exchequer, trans. by a gentleman of the Inner Temple (Rayner, J.), 1658.]
- Fortescue, Sir J. De Laudibus Legum Angliae. 1616.
- Fuller, T. The History of the Worthies of England. 1662.
- Gardiner, S. R. The political element in Massinger. Contemporary Review,
XXVIII. 1876.- Gentleman, Tobias. England’s way to win wealth, and to employ ships and mariners. 1614. Rptd. in Arber’s An English Garner, vol.
IV, 1882.- Goodman, C. How Superior Powers ought to be obeyed of their Subjects: and wherein they may lawfully by Gods worde be disobeyed and resisted. Wherein also is declared the cause of all this present miserie in England, and the onely way to remedy the same. Geneva, 1558.
- Googe, B. Foure bookes of husbandry. 1577 ff.
- Grosseteste, see Walter of Henley.
- [Hales, J.] A Discourse of the Common Weal of this realm of England. First printed in 1581. Ed. Lamond, E. Cambridge, 1893.
- Hall, Joseph. Virgidemiarum. 1597.
- Harrison, William. Description of England, in Holinshed’s Chronicles. 1577–8, 1587.
- —— An historicall description of the Islande of Britayne. 1577.
- (Samuel) Hartlib his Legacie; or, an enlargement of the Discourse of husbandry used in Brabant and Flaunders. 1651. This is generally attributed to Cressy Dymock. [See Growth of English Industry and Commerce, Part
I, 568, Cunningham, W., 1907.]- Hayward, Sir J. An Answer to the first Part of a certaine conference concerning Succession. 1603.
- Heath, Sir R. Propositions showing the great utility of a bank, and recommendation for erecting one in London. 1622. In State Papers, Domestic, James I,
CXXX, 30.- Heronis, W. A. S. English Trade and Finance chiefly in the Seventeenth Century. 1892.
- Hitchcock, R. A Pollitique Platt for the honour of the Prince, the greate profite of the publique state, relief of the poore, preservation of the riche, reformation of Roges and Idle persones, and the wealthe of thousandes that knowes not how to live. 1580.
- Homilies. Certayne Sermons appoynted by the Quenes Majestie to be declared and read, by all Persones, Vycars and Curates, every Sonday and holy daye, in theyr churches. 1559–63. Ed. Corrie, G. E. Cambridge, 1850.
- Hooker, R. Of the Lawes of Ecclesiasticall Politie. 1622.
- I., R. Nova Britannia. Offring most excellent fruites by Planting in Virginia. 1609.
- James I. The true Law of Free Monarchies; or the reciprock and mutuall dutie betwixt a free king and his naturall subjects. 1603. Works, 1616.
- Jeninges, E. A brief Discovery of the damages that happen to this realme by disordered and unlawfull diet. The benefites and commodities that otherwise might ensue. With a perswasion of the people, for a better maintenance to the Navie. 1593.
- Keymor, J. Booke of Observations, in Sir W. Raleigh’s Works, vol.
VIII, 206. Oxford, 1829.- —— J. Keymor’s observations made upon the Dutch fishing, about the year 1601. Demonstrating that there is more wealth raised out of herrings and other fish in his Majesties Seas by the neighbouring nations in one year, then the King of Spain hath from the Indies in four. 1604.
- Knox, J. The first Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstruous Regiment of women. 1558.
- —— The source and bounds of Kingly power. Sermon in History and Respository of Pulpit Eloquence, vol.
II. Fish, H. C. 1857.- Knyveth, Sir H. Defence of the Realme, 1596. Ed. Hughes, C. Oxford, 1906.
- Latimer, H. See bibliography to Chap.
XII. - Leland, J. The Itinerary of John Leland the Antiquary, 9 vols. Oxford, 1710–2. Ed. Smith, L. T. 1906 ff.
- Lodge, T. An Alarum against Usurers. 1584.
- Lyndsay, Sir D. Works. 1568. Ed. Laing, D. Edinburgh, 1879.
- Malynes, G. de. St. George for England, allegorically described. 1601.
- —— A Treatise of the Canker of England’s Commonwealth. 1601. (In the proportion between money and landed property.)
- —— England’s View in the unmasking of two Paradoxes. 1603.
- —— Consuetudo vel Lex Mercatoria, or, the Ancient Law Merchant. Divided into three parts: according to the essentiall parts of Trafficke. 1622.
- —— The Maintenance of Free Trade, according to the three essentiall parts of traffique; … or, an answer to a treatise of Free Trade [by Misselden, E.], lately published. 1622.
- —— The Centre of the Circle of Commerce. Or, a refutation of a Treatise intituled The Circle of Commerce, or the Ballance of Trade, lately published by E. M. 1623.
- (The original MS. notes embodied in a portion of the above works are to be found in Brit. Mus. Cotton. MS. Otho E.
X. 65 ff.)- Markham, Gervase. See bibliography to Chap.
XVII. - May, J. A Declaration of the Estate of Clothing now used within this realme of England … with an Apologie for the Alneger, shewing the necessarie use of his Office. 1613.
- McCulloch, J. R. The Literature of Political Economy. 1845.
- Milles, T. The Replie, Or Second Apologie. That is to say, an Answer to a confused Treatise of Publicke Commerce. 1604.
- —— The Custumer’s Alphabet and Primer. Conteining their creed … their Ten Commandments … and Forme of Prayers. 1608.
- —— The Customer’s Apologie. 1609 (?).
- Misselden, E. Free Trade; or, The Means to make trade flourish. 1622.
- —— The Circle of Commerce. Or the Ballance of Trade, in defence of Free Trade: opposed to Malynes Little fish and his Great Whale, and poized against them in the Scale. 1623.
- More, T. A fruteful and pleasaunt worke of the beste state of a publyque weale, and of the newe yle called Utopia. 1551. Ed. Lumby, J. R. Cambridge, 1879 ff.
- Mosse, M. The Arraignment and Conviction of Usurie. 1595.
- Mun, T. A Discourse of Trade from England into the East Indies. 1621.
- —— England’s Treasure by forraign trade; or, the ballace of our forraign trade is the rule of our treasure. 1664.
- Nashe, T. See bibliography to Chap.
XVI. - Norden, J. The Surveyors Dialogue. 1607.
- Oresme, N. Treatise of the beginning of nature’s lawe and Right and change of money. (A fifteenth century translation marked O. 3.
II in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge.)- Parker, H. Of a Free Trade. 1648.
- Parsons, R. A Conference about the next Succession to the Crowne of Ingland. 1594.
- Phillips, Sir T. A letter … to King Charles i concerning the Plantations of the Londoners. In Hibernica. Harris. W. 1757.
- Pindar, Paul. Letter to Lord Salisbury on erecting a Bank for the Crown, occasioned upon the King’s want of a Loan from the City. Brit. Mus. Lansd. MS.
CVIII, 90.- Platt, Sir H. The Jewell House of Art and Nature. 3 pts. 1594.
- Prynne, W. The Antipathie of the English … Prelacie, both to Regall Monarchy and Civill Unity. 2 pts. 1641.
- Respublica,
A.D. 1553. A play on the social condition of England at the accession of Queen Mary. Ed. Magnus, L. A. From Gurney’s unique Macro MS. E.E.T.S.CXV. 1905.- Roberts, L. The Merchants Mappe of Commerce; wherein the Universal Manner and Matter of Trade, is compendiously handled. 1638.
- —— The Treasure of Traffike; or, a Discourse of Forraigne Trade. 1641.
- Robinson, H. England’s Safety in Trade’s Encrease. 1641.
- —— Briefe Considerations concerning the advancement of Trade and Navigation … tendred unto all ingenious patriots. 1649.
- Roscher, W. Zur Geschichte der Englischen Volkwirthschaftslehre, in Abhandlungen der phil. hist. Classe der k. sächs. Gesellschaft d. Wissen. Vol.
II. Leipzig, 1857.- S., M. Greevous Grones for the Poore done by a Well-Willer who wisheth that the poore of England might be so provided for as none should neade to go a begging. 1622.
- Sanderson, R. Logicae Artis Compendium. 1618. Ten Sermons: (i) ad Clerum 3; (ii) ad Magistratum 3; (iii) ad Populum 4. 1627.
- Sandys, E. Sermon 4. Parker Soc. 1841.
- Selden, J. Titles of Honor. 1614.
- Shaw, W. A. Select Tracts and Documents Illustrative of English Monetary History. 1896.
- Smith, H. Examination of Usury, in two sermons. 1591.
- Smith, Capt. J. Advertisements for the unexperienced Planters of NewEngland, or any where. Or The Path-way to experience to erect a Plantation. 1631.
- Smith, Sir T. De Republica Anglorum. 1583. Ed. Alston, L. and Maitland, F. W. Cambridge, 1906.
- Spenser, E. The Faerie Queene, book
V. 1596.- —— View of the State of Ireland. 1633. [Globe ed. 1869 ff.]
- Stanley’es remedy; or, the way to reform wandring beggers, theeves, highway-robbers and pick-pockets. 1646.
- Starkey, T. A dialogue between Cardinal Pole and T. Lupset. Ed. Cowper, J. M. E.E.T.S. Ex. Ser.
XII. - Symonds, W. Virginia; a sermon … preached … in the presence of … the Adventurers and Planters for Virginia. 1609.
- Tusser, T. A hundreth good pointes of husbandrie. 1557.
- —— Five hundreth pointes of good husbandry. 1573. Ed. Payne, W. and Herrtage, S. J. 1878.
- Ussher, J. The Power communicated by God to the Prince, and Obedience required of the subject. 1683.
- Vaughan, R. Most approved and long experienced Water-Workes. Containing the manner of Winter and Summer drowning of medow and pasture … thereby to make those grounds … more fertile, ten for one. 1610.
- Vehse, E. Shakspeare als Protestant, Politiker, Psycholog and Dichter. 2 vols. Hamburg, 1851.
- Vintners, The retayling, their answer to a Petition against the said Retaylors. 1641.
- Walter of Henley’s Husbandry, together with an anonymous Husbandry, Seneschancie and Robert Grosseteste’s Rules. The transcripts, translation and glossary by Lamond, E. 1890.
- Westcote, T. A view of Devonshire in 1630 and pedigrees of most of our Devonshire families. Edd. Oliver, G. and Jones, P. Exeter, 1845.
- Wheeler, J. The Lawes, Customes and Ordinances of the Fellowshippe of Merchantes Adventurers of the Realme of England. 1608. In Univ. of Pennsylvania Translations and Reprints. Lingelback, W. E. 1902.
- —— A treatise of commerce, wherein are shewed the commodities arising by a wel ordered … Trade … such as that of Merchantes Adventurers is proved to bee. 1601.
- Wilson, T. A Discourse uppon usurye. 1572.
- Andrewes, L. De usuris, theologica determinatio, habita in publica schola theologica Cantabrigiae. 1593.