Chapter 4: Summary and Analysis

Painted Faces and Long Hair

The narrator states that the boys are unable to shake off “the northern European tradition of work, play, and food right through the day.” As a result, they find it difficult to adapt to life on an island where civilizational norms do not exist. The narrator then says that the boys on the island can be classified into two broad groups: “the littluns,” or young boys and “the biguns,” or older boys. Most of the littluns spend their day picking fruit; they also tend to eat the fruit even if it is not ripe. Over time, the littluns become acclimatized to persistent diarrhea and stomach aches. Percival is an exception among the littluns: he cries often and does not join the others in picking fruit.

The littluns have also come to terms with the knowledge that they are not around their mothers. In turn, they see Ralph as an adult figure and have learned to heed the call of the conch. The littluns, however, seem disinterested in the ways of the biguns.

When Roger and Maurice, two biguns, spot Henry, Percival, and Johnny—three littluns—building sand castles, they take great pleasure in destroying the castle. When Percival reacts, Maurice throws sand in his eyes. Maurice, however, is overcome with shame and guilt and goes for a swim to calm himself.

Meanwhile, as Henry leaves the scene, Roger follows him. When some nuts fall to the ground from a palm tree, Roger picks them up and hurls them Henry’s way. Nonetheless, he makes a conscious effort to avoid hitting Henry, which shows that Roger still retains a semblance of civility.

Jack has come up with a new plan to hunt pigs. The hunters are to dab their bodies with charcoal and red and white clay in order to effectively camouflage themselves in the jungle. As Roger continues to follow Henry, Jack asks him to join his troop. Even those tasked with managing the fire have now joined Jack’s crew. Unaware of this development, Ralph, Piggy, and Simon continue to swim. Just then, the three notice a ship on the horizon and hastily check if the fire signal is sufficiently strong to catch the ship’s attention. To their dismay, they notice that the fire has been extinguished.

Meanwhile, Jack’s crew, wearing nothing other than black caps, have managed to gut a pig and take part in a procession to commemorate the killing. They chant, “Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood.”

When Ralph admonishes Jack for enlisting even those tasked with managing the fire, some members of Jack’s crew realize that they might have been rescued if the fire signal had been maintained. Piggy joins Ralph in confronting Jack, but Jack is unhappy with Piggy for getting involved and strikes him. Eventually, Jack apologizes for letting the fire die, and the boys band together to a build fire signal again. Piggy notices that everyone is served meat, except him. When he complains, Jack finds himself enraged with Piggy once again. To ease the situation, Simon gives Piggy his pork, and Jack retaliates by cursing loudly and throwing more meat at Simon’s feet.

Ralph is still upset with Jack and calls for a meeting, where the tension between Ralph and Jack increases.

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